xjoin(8) System Manager's Manual xjoin(8)
xjoin - Graphical user interface program to configure DHCP server
/usr/bin/X11/xjoin [-fg] [-bg] [-geometry geometry] [-display display]
Specifies a different foreground color Specifies a different background color Defines the initial window geometry; see the X(1X) reference
page Specifies the display to use; see the X(1X) reference page
The xjoin program is a graphical user interface program that enables you to configure the DHCP server and server databases. For more
information on DHCP, see dhcp(7).
To start xjoin, enter the following command: # /usr/bin/X11/xjoin
Click on one of the tabs to get started.
To exit xjoin, select File then Exit. Click on Yes in the Verify dialog box to confirm that you want to exit the program.
The Main Window
Each tab along the top of the Main window represents a category of parameters that you set to configure systems on your network. When you
select a tab, the parameters for the subject of the tab are listed.
For the Server/Security, Subnets, Nodes, and Groups tabs, the window is separated into three parts. On the left is the subject to be con-
figured, in the middle are the parameter choices for the subject, and on the right is the field into which you enter a value for a parame-
ter. When you select a parameter in the middle of the window, you enter a value for it into a field on the right side of the window.
For the Active IP Snapshot and Preload MAC addresses, the window is divided into two parts. On the left are those addresses that have been
configured. On the right are the corresponding parameters for the configured addresses.
Entering Information into Fields
You can enter the following information in a field: Descriptive text, like an IP address Time in hours, minutes, and seconds A true or
false selection
Where there is more than one value field, press Tab to move to the next field.
To delete information in a field, select the text and press the Delete key.
As you add or revise information in a field, the information is automatically saved in memory. However, to update the database with the
changes you have made, click on the Update button.
For some subjects, you can add more than one record, such as when you are adding certain client configurations. When you want to add a new
record, select New Record on the left side of the window. If there is only one possible record for a subject, New Record does not appear.
To print the contents of a record, select Print.
You must have superuser privileges to use xjoin.
A cluster member should never be a DHCP client. It should always use static addressing.
If a cluster is to support a DHCP server, there can be only one DHCP server for all the cluster members using a common database with
Specifies the command path.
Files: bootptab(4)
Information: X(1X), DHCP(7)