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uugetty(8) [osf1 man page]

uugetty(8)						      System Manager's Manual							uugetty(8)

uugetty - Sets the terminal type, modes, speed, and line. SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/uucp/uugetty [-h] [-t time] [-r] [-c file] line [speed_label [terminal [line_discipline] ] ] The uugetty utility sets the terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline. FLAGS
Hold the carrier during the initialization phase; do not hang up. Timeout after time seconds and drop the line if nothing is typed while trying to login. Specifies that uugetty should wait for a character before it displays a login message, thus preventing two uugetty com- mands from looping and allowing the line to be shared by uucico, cu, and tip. Specifies that file should be checked instead of /etc/uuget- tydefs. DESCRIPTION
The uugetty command sets and manages terminals by setting up speed, terminal flags, and the line discipline. If command flags are pro- vided, uugetty adapts the system to those specifications; uugetty prints the login prompt, waits for the user to enter a username, and invokes the login command. The uugetty command provides all the features of the getty command, but also provides support through the -r flag for using the line with the uucico, cu, ct, and tip commands. The line can thereby be used in both directions. The uugetty command enables users to log in, but if the line is free, the uucico, cu, ct, and tip commands can be used for dialing out. The implementation depends on the fact that the uucico, cu, ct, and tip commands create lock files when devices are used. When uugetty first reads characters, the status of the lock file indicates whether the line is being used by uucico, cu, ct, or tip, or by someone trying to log in. The line argument specifies the /dev/entry for the terminal line. It can be entered as a relative pathname or an absolute pathname. The speed_label argument is a pointer into the /etc/uugettydefs file where the definitions for speed and other associated flags are located. If this argument is not specified, uugetty uses the first entry in the file. The terminal argument specifies the name of the terminal type. This argument is used to set the TERM environment variable for the user who logs in from this terminal. The line_discipline argu- ment specifies the name of the line discipline. When the -r flag is used, the user may have to key several carriage returns before the login message is displayed. When uucico attempts to log in, the following login script informs it that several carriage returns may be necessary before the login message is displayed, "" d d d in:--in:login sequence where login sequence is whatever is normally used for the login sequence: An entry for an intelligent modem or direct line that has a uugetty on each end must use the -r flag. The following is an /etc/inittab entry using uugetty on an intelligent modem or direct line: 30:2:respawn:/usr/lib/uucp/uugetty -r -t 60 tty12 1200 FILES
Specifies the command path The terminal line database file. This uses the same format as /etc/gettydefs. File which specifies the ini- tialization processes. Lock files used by uugetty, uucico, cu, ct, and tip to keep other commands from using the same terminal line. RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: uucico(8), getty(8), init(8), ct(1) cu(1), tip(1), login(1), stty(1) Files: gettydefs(4), inittab(4), tty(7) delim off uugetty(8)

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uucico(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 uucico(8)

uucico - Transfers uucp command, data, and execute files to remote systems SYNOPSIS
uucico [-r role_number] [-x debug_level] [-s system_name] FLAGS
The role_numbers are 1 for server mode and 0 (zero) for client mode. The default is 0 (zero). If uucico is started manually, set this flag to 1. Displays debugging information on the screen of the local terminal. The valid range for debug_level is 0 to 9. The higher the number, the more detailed the final report. This flag is useful in correcting problems with the expect_send sequence in the Systems file. The name of the remote system. Use only when starting uucico manually. The system_name is supplied internally when uucico is started automatically. Note that system names must contain only ASCII characters. DESCRIPTION
The uucico daemon transports uucp Command (C.*), Data (D.*), and Execute (E.*) files created by the uucp and uux commands to a specified remote system. Both the local and remote systems run the uucico daemon, and the two daemons communicate with each other to complete trans- fer requests. The uucico daemon performs the following actions: Scans the spooling directory (/usr/spool/uucp/system_name) on the local system for trans- fer requests. Selects the device used for the communications connection after checking the /usr/lib/uucp/Devices file and the lock files in the /var/spool/locks directory. Places a call to the specified remote system using information in the Systems, Dialers, and Dialcodes files located in the /usr/lib/uucp directory. Performs the required login sequence specified in the Systems file. Checks permissions listed in the /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions file. Checks scheduling limits in the Maxuuscheds and Maxuuxqts files located in the /usr/lib/uucp directory. Runs all transfer requests from both the local and the remote system, placing the transferred files in the public directories (/usr/spool/uucppublic/*). Logs transfer requests and completions in files in the /usr/spool/uucp/.Log/uucico directory. Notifies speci- fied users of transfer requests. Usually the uucico daemon is called by the uucp and uux commands when needed, and is started periodically by the uucp scheduling daemon, uusched, which is started by the cron daemon. The uucico daemon can be started from the command line for debugging. The uucp command uutry also starts uucico with debugging turned on. In the case of a uux command request for the execution of a command on a remote system, the uucico daemon transfers the files, and the uuxqt daemon executes the command on the remote system. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The following environment variables affect the execution of uucico: Specifies the flow control used on the connection. Permitted values are: HW (hardware), SW (software), HSW (hardware and software), and NONE. The uugetty on the remote system must also use the same flow con- trol. Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) for uucico to try to establish a connection before it times out. A value of 0 (zero) indicates an unlimited amount of time. EXAMPLES
To start the uucico daemon from the command line as a background process and contact the remote system hera, enter: /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -shera & To debug uucico connections, start the uucico daemon with the -x flag, and enter: /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -svenus -x9 FILES
Specifies the command path The uucp configuration files Contains lock files that prevent multiple uses of devices and multiple calls to systems Contains all the configuration files for uucp Contains information about available devices Contains dial-code abbreviations Speci- fies initial handshaking on a link Limits scheduled jobs Limits remote command executions Describes access permissions for remote systems Describes accessible remote systems Lists uucico daemon errors that uucp cannot correct Contains uucico daemon log files Lists the last time a remote system was contacted and the minimum time until the next retry Contains C.*, D.*, and E.* files to be transferred by the uucico daemon Command files Data files Execute files Contains files after transfer by the uucico daemon RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: cron(8), uucp(1), uustat(1), uutry(1), uuto(1), uux(1) delim off uucico(8)
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