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udelta(8) [osf1 man page]

udelta(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 udelta(8)

udelta - print differences between two subset inventories SYNOPSIS
/usr/lbin/udelta inv1 inv2 DESCRIPTION
The udelta command reads records from sorted inventory files inv1 and inv2. Records from each file are compared by file name. Each record from inv1 which does not have a corresponding record in inv2 is written to the standard output. SEE ALSO
Files: stl_inv(4) udelta(8)

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invcutter(1)						      General Commands Manual						      invcutter(1)

invcutter - Generates a subset inventory file SYNOPSIS
/usr/lbin/invcutter [-d] [-f root-path] [-v version-code] OPTIONS
Enables debugging. No useful diagnostics are printed. Specifies an alternate root path for finding file attribute information. Specifies a 3-digit version code for use in the version field of the output records. The default version code is 010. DESCRIPTION
The contents of a software product kit for the setld(8) command are specified by a master inventory file whose format is described in the stl_mi(4) reference page. The invcutter command processes a master inventory file by reading inventory records from standard input and writing one record to standard output for each record read. The information contained in the output record is derived from the input record and from the file attribute information in the file hierar- chy rooted in the current directory. RESTRICTIONS
Input records must be sorted in ascending ASCII order on the pathname field. The invcutter command cannot process input-specified files which exist as sockets in the file hierarchy. If an input-specified file has a link count greater than 1, all other links to the file must be represented in the input. RETURN VALUES
An exit status of 0 indicates success. An exit status of 1 indicates an error. See ERRORS. ERRORS
The program cannot set its working directory to the pathname directory specified with the -f option. The error-message provides additional information. The nth input record is not in the correct sort order. All input records must be in ascending ASCII collating sequence on the pathname field. An error has occurred attempting to read the attributes of filename. The error-message explains exactly what happened. The file named by pathname is a socket. Sockets are not supported as valid file types for distribution. File pathname in the master inventory is linked to n files which do not appear in the master inventory. Check the inventory for validity with the newinv program. This informational message states how many files with unresolved links were detected in the input inventory. EXAMPLES
The following command generates inventory records for the master inventory entries in PDS020.mi. Output records contain version fields set to 020: invcutter -v 020 < PDS020.mi SEE ALSO
Commands: kits(1), newinv(1) Files: stl_inv(4), stl_mi(4) Guide to Preparing Product Kits invcutter(1)
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