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siainit(8) [osf1 man page]

siainit(8)						      System Manager's Manual							siainit(8)

siainit - SIA (Security Integration Architecture) initialization command SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/siainit DESCRIPTION
The siainit command is the SIA's initialization command and is executed only at a reboot. The siainit command informs the configured secu- rity mechanisms of a reboot and allows each security mechanism to do its own reboot initialization. The siainit command is not a general user level command and is intended to execute only from the /sbin/rc3.d/S27sia startup script. If you use this command at times other than reboot, the results are undetermined. DIAGNOSTICS
Indicates that SIA and the configured security mechanisms were successfully initialized on the reboot. Indicates that SIA or one of the security mechanisms is improperly configured. CLUSTER NOTE
In a cluster, returning SIADFAIL from the siad_init() routine causes the siainitgood file to be removed. This causes other cluster members that have applications or utilities that use SIA to begin to return failures. FILES
SIA initialization command Initialization script that executes siainit SEE ALSO
Files: sialog(4) Security siainit(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

siad_init(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      siad_init(3)

siad_init - initialization routine for SIA (Security Integration Architecture) LIBRARY
Standard C library - and libc.a SYNOPSIS
#include <sia.h> #include <siad.h> int siad_init(void); DESCRIPTION
The siad_init() routine is called from siainit() to do mechanism-specific processing once per reboot. RETURN VALUES
The siad_init() routine returns either SIASUCCESS or SIAFAIL. A return of SIADFAIL from this routine will prevent the system from reboot- ing. Consequently the SIADFAIL response should only be used if a security risk or root login failure is assumed. In a cluster, if the siainitgood file is lost for any reason, other cluster members that have applications or utilities that use SIA will experience return failures. ERRORS
The errno values are those returned from the dynamic loader interface, from dependent (siad_*) routines, or from malloc. Possible errors include resource constraints (no memory) and various authentication failures. FILES
/usr/sbin/siainit /etc/sia/siainitgood /etc/sia/matrix.conf RELATED INFORMATION
matrix.conf(4), siainit(8) Security delim off siad_init(3)
Man Page

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