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showdhc(8) [osf1 man page]

showdhc(8)						      System Manager's Manual							showdhc(8)

showdhc - Displays the contents of DHCP client configuration files SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/showdhc filenames... DESCRIPTION
The showdhc command reads the files specified on the command line and, assuming they are configuration files, displays the data contained in them. The format of the output is a single line as shown in the Format section of the bootptab(4) reference page. If any of the files named on the command line is not of the correct type, diagnostic output is sent to stderr. Configuration files are identified by an internal magic number, and the major and minor release numbers of JOIN configuration files are usually written to the /etc/join directory and are named interface.dhc. FILES
JOIN client configuration files SEE ALSO
Commands: joinc(8) Information: DHCP(7) showdhc(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

bptojdb(8)						      System Manager's Manual							bptojdb(8)

bptojdb - Converts bootptab entries into permanent, static IP entries for JOIN databases. SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/bptojdb [-m | -f] filename OPTIONS
Create client IDs for Microsoft DHCP clients. Microsoft does not use the client's MAC address by itself as the client identifier. Instead, it prepends a 01 (Ethernet) to the MAC address and changes the hardware type to 0 (generic). If the clients in your bootptab file are Microsoft clients, you will need to use the -m option. Create client IDs for FTP Software's DHCP clients. FTP Software does not use the client's MAC address by itself as the client identifier. Instead, it creates a 16-byte client identifier with the prefix "cid-". If the clients in your bootptab file are FTP Software DHCP clients, you will need to use the -f option. DESCRIPTION
The bptojdb program reads entries in a standard bootptab file and creates permanent, static IP entries for the JOIN databases. After read- ing the bootptab file, bptojdb displays to the standard output entries in a format suitable for the jdbmod utility. Each MAC address in the bootptab file is given a static IP address with a permanent lease. To store the information in the JOIN databases, run jdbmod with the converted data. For example: bptojdb bootptab | jdbmod FILES
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