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screenstat(8) [osf1 man page]

screenstat(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     screenstat(8)

screenstat - Show gateway screening statistics SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/screenstat DESCRIPTION
The screenstat command displays statistics about kernel gateway screening. The display is sent to the standard output. The format of the screenstat report is as follows: total packets screened: 16754 total accepted: 15149 total rejected: 12 packets dropped: because buffer was full: 0 because user was out of sync: 0 because too old: 1592 total dropped: 1592 The total packets screened count shows how many packets have been received for forwarding. The accepted and rejected counts show how many packets were forwarded or dropped based on instructions from a user-level process. The total dropped count shows how many packets were dropped for other reasons: lack of space in the kernel buffer, errors by a user process, or packets that were queued for too long. If the counts do not add up, some packets are currently queued in the kernel. SEE ALSO
Commands: screend(8), screenmode(8) Functions: screen(2) screenstat(8)

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pppstats(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       pppstats(8)

pppstats - Print Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) statistics SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/pppstats [-a] [-v] [-r] [-c count] [-w secs] [interface] [-z] OPTIONS
Displays absolute values rather than deltas. With this option, all reports show statistics for the time since the link was initiated. Without this option, the second and subsequent reports show statistics for the time since the last report. Repeats the display count times. The default repeat count is 1 if the -w option is not specified, otherwise infinity. Displays the overall packet compression rate. The rate value is between 0 and 1, with 0 meaning that the data is incompressible. Displays additional statistics, such as the number of packets ignored (rejected by the VJ TCP header decompression code). Pauses wait seconds between each display. If this option is not spec- ified, the default interval is 5 seconds. Instead of the standard display, show statistics indicating the performance of the packet com- pression algorithm in use. See the STATISTICS section for further information on this option. DESCRIPTION
The pppstats utility reports PPP-related statistics at regular intervals for the specified PPP interface. If interface is unspecified, it will default to ppp0. The display is split horizontally into input and output sections containing columns of statistics describing the properties and volume of packets received and transmitted by the interface. STATISTICS The following fields are printed on the input side when the -z option is not used: The total number of bytes received by this interface. The total number of packets received by this interface. The number of header-compressed TCP packets received by this interface. The num- ber of header-uncompressed TCP packets received by this interface. Not reported when the -r option is specified. The number of corrupted or bogus header-compressed TCP packets received by this interface. Not reported when the -r option is specified. The number of VJ header- compressed TCP packets dropped on reception by this interface because of preceding errors. Only reported when the -v option is specified. The total number of non-TCP packets received by this interface. Only reported when the -v option is specified. The compression ratio achieved for received packets by the packet compression scheme in use, defined as the uncompressed size divided by the compressed size. Only reported when the -r option is specified. The total number of bytes received, after decompression of compressed packets. Only reported when the -r option is specified. The following fields are printed on the output side: The total number of bytes transmitted from this interface. The total number of pack- ets transmitted from this interface. The number of TCP packets transmitted from this interface with VJ-compressed TCP headers. The number of TCP packets transmitted from this interface with VJ-uncompressed TCP headers. Not reported when the -r option is specified. The total number of non-TCP packets transmitted from this interface. Not reported when the -r option is specified. The number of searches for the cached header entry for a VJ header compressed TCP packet. Only reported when the -v option is specified. The number of failed searches for the cached header entry for a VJ header compressed TCP packet. Only reported when the -v option is specified. The compression ratio achieved for transmitted packets by the packet compression scheme in use, defined as the size before compression divided by the compressed size. Only reported when the -r option is specified. The total number of bytes to be transmitted, before packet compression is applied. Only reported when the -r option is specified. When the -z option is specified, pppstats displays the following fields, relating to the packet compression algorithm currently in use. If packet compression is not in use, these fields all display zeroes. The fields displayed on the input side are: The number of bytes of com- pressed packets received. The number of compressed packets received. The number of bytes of incompressible packets (that is, those which were transmitted in uncompressed form) received. The number of incompressible packets received. The recent compression ratio for incoming packets, defined as the uncompressed size divided by the compressed size (including both compressible and incompressible packets). The fields displayed on the output side are: The number of bytes of compressed packets transmitted. The number of compressed packets transmitted. The number of bytes of incompressible packets transmitted (that is, those which were transmitted in uncompressed form). The number of incompressible packets transmitted. The recent compression ratio for outgoing packets. SEE ALSO
Daemons: pppd(8) pppstats(8)
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