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rrestore(8) [osf1 man page]

restore(8)						      System Manager's Manual							restore(8)

restore, rrestore - Restores files from tapes written with the dump or rdump command, respectively SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/restore -[function_flag][modifier_flag ...] [argument ...] /usr/sbin/rrestore -f dump_file -[function_flag][modifier_flag ...] [argument ...] The restore and rrestore commands are used to read files and any associated extended attributes from a local or remote tape, respectively, to local file systems. FLAGS
Function Flags This flag permits interactive restoration of files read from the tape. After reading directory information from the tape device, the restore or rrestore commands provide a shell-like interface that allows you to select the files you want to read. Some of the interactive commands require as an arg parameter a subdirectory or filename. When the arg parameter is unspecified, the default directory is the cur- rent one. The interactive commands are explained in the following list: Lists files in the current directory or the directory specified with the arg parameter. Directory entries are appended with a / (slash) character. Entries that have been marked for reading are prepended with a * (asterisk) character. When the -v modifier flag is used, the inode number of each entry is also listed. Changes the current directory to the directory specified with the arg parameter. Prints the pathname of the current directory to the standard output device. Adds the files in the current directory or the files specified by arg to the list of files to be read from the tape (except when the -h flag is used). Files on the list of files to be read are prepended with the * (asterisk) character when they are listed with the ls interactive command. Deletes all the files in the current directory or the files specified by the arg parameter from the list of files to be read from the tape. Except when the -h flag is specified, all files and all files in subdirectories of a directory specified with the arg parameter are deleted. An expedient way to select wanted files from any directory whose files are stored on the tape is to add the directory to the list of files to be read and then delete the ones that are not wanted. Reads all files on the list of files to be read from the tape. The restore or rrestore command asks which volume you want to mount and whether the access modes of . (dot) are affected. A fast way to read a few files from the tape device is to start with the last volume and work toward the first volume. Sets owner, access modes, and file creation times for all directories that have been added to the files-to-read list; nothing is read from the tape. This interactive command is useful for cleaning up files after a restore or rrestore command has been prematurely aborted. Toggles the -v modifier (see the -v flag below). When set, the verbose flag causes the ls command to list the inode numbers of all files in the list of files to read. This interactive command also causes the restore or rrestore command to output information about each file to the output device when the file is read. Lists a summary of the available interactive commands. Outputs the tape header information to the standard output device. Exits immediately, even when the all the files on list of files to read have not been read. Toggles the debugging mode. Same as quit command. The tape is read and all files are loaded into the current work- ing directory. The -r function flag should only be used to restore a complete dump into an empty file system, or to restore a pre- vious incremental dump or rdump to the file system after a full level 0 (zero) restoration of files. For example: /sbin/newfs /dev/rdisk/dsk0g eagle /sbin/mount /dev/disk/dsk0g /mnt cd mnt restore -r These four line entries are a typical sequence of commands to restore a complete set of files from tape to the raw disk whose device name is /dev/rdisk/dsk0g and whose parameters are described in the /etc/disktab file under the name eagle. The file system name is /dev/disk/dsk0g and the directory where the file system is mounted and to which the files are written from the default tape device is called /mnt. Other restore or rrestore operations may be called to restore additional files from a previous incremental dump or rdump to the tape device. Note that the restore or rrestore process writes a file named restoresymtab to the current directory. The restoresymtab file is used by these processes to provide information for incremental file restorations only; this scratch file has no other use and so should be removed when files from the last incremental storage medium has been restored. The restoresymtab filename is appended with the node identifier of the cluster member (member id), which is always zero (0) for standalone systems. The restore or rrestore command requests a particular tape of a multivolume set on which to restart a full restore (see the -r flag). This allows restore or rrestore to be interrupted and then restarted. The files specified by the name parameter are listed when they are stored on the tape. When a name parameter is not specified, all files in the root directory stored on the tape are listed, except when the -h flag is specified. The files specified by the name parameter are read from the tape device. When the name parameter matches a directory whose contents are stored on the tape, and the -h flag is not specified, the directory is recursively searched until all files have been read. The file owner, time of modification, and access mode are restored when possible. When no file is specified with the name parameter, the root directory is read from the tape device. Reading of the root directory results in stor- age of the entire file content from the tape, except when the -h flag has been specified. Modifier Flags The argument that follows this modifier flag is used as the block size of the tape (in kilobytes). When this modifier flag is not speci- fied, restore or rrestore determines tape block size dynamically as long as the maximum number of tape blocks to be read (blocking factor) is less than 128k. Otherwise, include this flag with the appropriate blocking factor. Reads an old style dump tape (pre-4.2BSD file sys- tem). Debug mode. restore or rrestore performs many internal checks about the consistency of internal structures and prints debugging information to the standard output. When an argument follows the -f modifier flag, it is used as the name of the archive device, replacing the default tape device /dev/tape/tape0_d0. When the argument is the character - (dash), restore or rrestore reads from standard input. Thus, dump and restore or rdump and rrestore may be used in a pipeline expression to copy file systems with the following typical command: dump -0f - /usr | (cd /mnt; restore -xf -) The argument that follows the -F modifier flag is used as the name of the file from which interactive input is read. As described in the foregoing list of Function Flags for the -i function flag, normally standard input is read. The -F modifier flag allows the interactive mode of the restore or rrestore command to be obtained from a previously written command file (similar to a shell script). In the application described here, the following are affected: The interactive interface A prompt for the next volume number A prompt to set the access mode for . (dot) Error recovery interaction and the verification of operator readiness are not affected. For example, if the file named inputfile contains the following interactive command lines (the commands are taken from the Function Flags list): add delete foo add foo/bar extract 1 yes quit issuing the command: restore -iF inputfile uses the interactive mode to automatically mark everything for read- ing (add), to unmark the subdirectory (delete foo), to mark the file foo/bar (add foo/bar), to read the marked files (extract), to specify volume 1 (1) of the default tape, to set the access mode for dot, . (yes), and then quit (quit). Use this modifier to restore files to a specific directory level. The specific directory level is the file name defined by the -x switch or the -t switch (when using command mode) or a file name in the argument list of the add or the delete command (when using interactive mode). Files in the named directory that are directories are not restored. Thus, you can use this modifier to prevent hierarchical restoration of complete subtrees. When this modifier is specified, restore or rrestore reads according to inode numbers rather than filename. This read operation is useful when only a few files are restored and you want to avoid rewriting the complete pathname to each file. Tells restore not to write to disk. This flag does not permit the process to act on files in the current directory. The argument that follows this modifier flag is used as the number (1 is the origin) of the file to restore. This flag is used to write more than one dump file from the tape. Normally the restore or rrestore commands do not notify you about their progress in reading from the storage device. When this modifier flag is used, the name of each file read from the tape is written to the stan- dard output device. When this modifier is specified, restore or rrestore does not query whether a tape error should cause the read operation to abort, but instead the process attempts to skip over the bad block(s) and continue the read operation. Overwrites the existing files and links without any query. When this flag is used, the restore or rrestore does not overwrite existing files. DESCRIPTION
The restore and rrestore commands are used to read files and associated extended attributes (including ACLs, see the acl(4) and proplist(4) reference pages), from a local or remote file system backup (respectively). The file system backup must have been written by the dump or rdump command. The restore and rrestore commands only read files to local file systems. restore The flags bcdfhimrstvxyFNRYZ consist of function flags and modifier flags, which may be used in any logical combination, but with a preced- ing - (dash) character. Each group of flags contains at most one function flags and possibly one or more modifier flags. Function flags are irtx and R; all other flags are modifier flags. Other arguments specified with these commands are the file or subdirectory name that specifies files to be restored. The function and modifier flags are described under FLAGS. Unless the -h modifier flag is specified (see the -h flag), inclusion of a directory name refers to all files and recursively, all files in all subdirectories of that directory. rrestore The rrestore command reads files from a remote magnetic tape or other specified storage device. The files were previously saved to tape with a dump or rdump command. The rrestore command is identical in operation to restore, except the -f function flag must be specified, and the dump_file parameter must have the form: machine:device If you want to specify an IPv6 address for machine, you must prefix the address with the [ (backslash, left bracket) characters and terminate the address with the ] (backslash, right bracket) characters. Because the bracket characters are shell metacharacters, your must precede them with the backslash character. The rrestore command starts remote server /usr/sbin/rmt on the client machine to access the storage medium. NOTES
Do not use the restore or rrestore commands to extract an archive on an AdvFS filesystem. The restore or rrestore process may become confused when doing incremental reads from tapes that were previously written from an active file system. A level 0 (zero) tape dump or rdump must be done after a full restore. Because restore or rrestore runs without kernel privileges, it has no control over inode allocation; thus, a full restore must be done to get a new set of directories that reflect new inode numbering, even when the content of files are unchanged. When the -Y flag is specified, all files, including hard and symbolic links, are overwritten. When the -Y flag is not specified, hard and symbolic links are not overwritten, as in previous releases. Attempting to do a restore/rrestore to a base directory that has a default ACL or a default access ACL may cause unintended ACLs to be cre- ated on the restored files and directories. If ACLs are enabled on the system, check all ACLs after the restore/rrestore. DIAGNOSTICS
Detects bad flag characters. Detects read errors. When the -y modifier flag has been specified, or you respond with y, the process attempts to continue the restore operation. When a previous dump or rdump writes over more than one storage device, restore or rrestore asks you to change a filled volume. When the -x or -i function flag has been specified, restore or rrestore also asks what volume you wish to mount. Note, the restore -x com- mand is silent if a pipe or a regular file is involved. A fast way to read a few files is to first mount the last volume, and then mount other previous volumes working toward the first volume. There are numerous consistency checks that can be listed by restore. Most checks are self-explanatory. Common Errors Common errors are listed as follows: A tape previously written from an old file system has been loaded. On reading, the old file system was automatically converted to a new filesystem format. One or more filenames specified by the filename parameter was listed in the tape directory, but was not found on the tape. This is caused by storage device read errors when searching for a named file, or when a previ- ously written tape was created on an active file system. A file that was not listed in the directory was detected. This can occur when using a tape previously created on an active file system. When doing incremental restore, a tape that was written before the previous incremental tape, or one that has too low an incremental level has been loaded. When doing incremental restore or rrestore, a storage process does not begin its coverage where the previous incremental tape left off, or one that has too high an incremental level has been loaded. A tape read error has occurred. When a filename is specified, its contents are probably partially wrong. When an inode is being skipped, or the tape is trying to resynchronize, no files read from tape have been corrupted although some files may not be found on the tape. After a tape read error, restore or rrestore may have to resynchronize itself. This message lists the number of blocks that were skipped. FILES
Specifies the command path Specifies the command path The default storage device. A file that lists directories stored on the default tape. Owner, permission mode, and timestamps for stored directories. Holds information required during incremental restore or rrestore operations. The file is created in the current working directory and is appended with the node identifier of the cluster member, such as ./restoresymtab0. RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: dump(8), rdump(8), mount(8), umount(8), newfs(8) Files: acl(4), proplist(4) delim off restore(8)
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