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mkfset(8) [osf1 man page]

mkfset(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 mkfset(8)

mkfset - Create a fileset in an existing AdvFS file domain SYNOPSIS
/sbin/mkfset domain fileset OPERANDS
Specifies the name of an existing AdvFS file domain. Specifies the name of the fileset to be created in the specified file domain. DESCRIPTION
The mkfset command creates an AdvFS fileset within an existing file domain. You must create at least one fileset per file domain; however, you can create multiple filesets within a file domain. You can mount and unmount each fileset independently of the other filesets in the file domain. You can assign fileset quotas (block and file usage limits) to filesets. Use the following commands to manipulate filesets: Displays the filesets associated with a domain. Removes a fileset (and all of its files) from the file domain. Assigns a new name to an existing fileset. Changes fileset attributes; specifically fileset quotas. For more information, see the reference pages for each command. RESTRICTIONS
You must be the root user to use this utility. Each fileset within a domain must have a unique name of up to 31 characters. All whitespace characters (tab, new line, space and so on) and the / # : * ? characters are invalid for fileset names. EXAMPLE
The following example creates two filesets, credit_fs and debit_fs, within an existing domain called accounts_dmn. # mkfset accounts_dmn credit_fs # mkfset accounts_dmn debit_fs To mount the newly created credit_fs fileset on the /mnt/credit directory, enter: # mount -t advfs accounts_dmn#credit_fs /mnt/credit You can add filesets to the /etc/fstab file in the same manner that you add any file system. Once added, filesets are mounted each time you reboot the system and fileset quotas are enabled. For example, to automatically mount the credit_fs fileset, add the following line to your fstab file: accounts_dmn#credit_fs /mnt/credit advfs rq, userquota, groupquota SEE ALSO
Commands: chfsets(8), mkfdmn(8), renamefset(8), rmfset(8), showfdmn(8), showfsets(8) File Formats: advfs(4) mkfset(8)

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advfs_rmfset(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   advfs_rmfset(3)

advfs_rmfset - Removes a fileset or a clone fileset SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/advfs_syscalls.h> int advfs_rmfset( char domain, char fileset ); LIBRARY
AdvFS Library (libadvfs) PARAMETERS
Specifies the name of an existing AdvFS file domain. Specifies the name of the fileset to be removed from the specified file domain. DESCRIPTION
This function removes an AdvFS fileset from the named file domain. Once you have removed a fileset using this function, the fileset and its files are not recoverable. The only way to restore the fileset and its files is by using a backed up version of the fileset. RESTRICTIONS
This function only removes AdvFS filesets; it does not remove UFS file systems. The program that calls this function must be running with root privileges. A fileset or clone fileset cannot be removed with this function if it is mounted. A fileset that has a clone fileset cannot be removed with this function until the clone fileset has been removed. RETURN VALUES
The function returns a value of 0 (zero) on successful completion. The function returns a value of -1 on failure and sets the value of errno to the specific error. ERRORS
The function sets errno to the specified errors for the following failure conditions: The calling program is not running with root privi- leges. The AdvFS lock for domain could not be acquired because one of the following operations was already running on the domain: balance, defragment, rmfset, or rmvol. This fileset is still mounted; it must be unmounted before it can be removed. This fileset has a clone fileset, which must be removed before this fileset can be removed. An I/O error occurred on one of the disks in the file domain. One or both of the names for the fileset and the domain are NULL or set to . The file domain specified by the domain parameter does not exist. The fileset specified by the fileset parameter does not exist in the file domain specified by the domain parameter. There is not enough memory available for the operation. SEE ALSO
Commands: rmfset(8) Functions: advfs_clonefset(3) advfs_rmfset(3)
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