kkcd(8) System Manager's Manual kkcd(8)NAME
kkcd - Daemon that supports the Kana-Kanji conversion service
/usr/sbin/kkcd user-id group-id kkc-db
Identifies the user being served by the daemon. Specifies the group to which the user belongs. Specifies the location of data needed for
Kana-Kanji conversion.
The kkcd daemon supports Kana-Kanji conversion for the Japanese language and is available only when Japanese support subsets are installed
on the system. The daemon converts an English or Kana string to one or more different Kanji strings and runs only when the Kana-Kanji con-
version capability of the atty terminal driver is activated. The utx pseudo device driver acts as an communication channel between the atty
terminal driver and the kkcd daemon. The ikk parameter of the stty command spawns the kkcd and utx daemons (see stty(1)). The stty command
also includes parameters for setting terminal line discipline, modes, input key sequences, and keymap data for Kana-Kanji conversion.
The utx device special files
Commands: stty(1), utxd(8)
Files: atty(7), cp_dirs(4), utx(7)
Others: Japanese(5), kkc(5)kkcd(8)
I'm not familiar with the stty command.
What would "stty erase e" do to my system and what kind of problems would it create? Also, how would I undo this command? (1 Reply)
Hi all
I am getting the following error when i execute my cronjob :
stty: : No such device or address
stty: : No such device or address
What could be the problem.
Rahul (3 Replies)
Hello Everyone;
I have a script that is throwing the following message:
stty: : Invalid argument
The line that gives the message is the following,
sailormoon$ scp home/voice.xml newwave@silvermoon:/newwave/config/radius
stty: : Invalid argument
voice.xml | ... (2 Replies)
I have an app that runs Oracle 8.1.7 residing on a AIX 4.3 ML 10 . preiodically app sends out a status log like the one displayed below. Lately I have noticed this stty:tcgetattr message in the log. Script that writes this output calls sqlplus, gets the required count and writes output to... (8 Replies)
Hi All,
I have been runing the same set of program using the same auto profile for an year.
Now when i run the same set of process , i getting the below error
Not a terminal
stty: : Not a typewriter
stty: : Not a typewriter
ksh: jil: not found
ksh: sendevent: not found
logout... (4 Replies)
(sys10:pt:/pf>) cat 122974qqq.s
RUNAS Version 2007.10.07 Run on Dec 11 2008 10:09:36 AM
UNIX Process: 26021
Login User : root
PFW User : s08280
Not a terminal
stty: : Not a typewriter
stty: : Not a typewriter
ksh: jil: not found
ksh: sendevent: not found... (1 Reply)
Hi. I am running Solaris 10,HPUX 11.31 and AIX 6.1. I am trying to get my system to write in Japanese. I can choose the Japanese language for the system to display, but I cannot figure out how to write in Japanese. I have set up my system, and Mozilla (including the menu and web pages) to display... (1 Reply)
I have a flat file containing Japanese(Kanji) characters.When I open it in my desktop it still shows up in Kanji characters. However when I FTP the file to Unix server , the kanji characters are lost and they turn into Junk characters. Can anyone suggest ways in how I can retain the Kanji... (2 Replies)
I am working on Montavista linux.
Japanese language is not getting rendered.
I executed fc-list command and found that japanese fonts were not installed. But adding
sazanami-gothic.ttf from the web is also not working, fc-list does not display japanese fonts yet.
How can i add... (0 Replies)
I am unable to copy Kanji characters into a unix file. They look like special characters when pasted into the Unix file. My objective is to copy these characters into a unix file and be able to print it and see the Kanji characters. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying this... (1 Reply)
Hello friends, I am trying to communicate with a programmer memory from Unix (HP-UX) via serial port.
Well, I have some code ready stty parameters to achieve communicating the device with the computer, but I have my doubts. I would like to know if you have some code fragment where you use the... (5 Replies)
We are getting a following stty error when I am running a script.
stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
I have some of following stty settings in my .profile. Tried other options still not able to fix it.
stty rows 40 cols 130 erase ^? intr ^C
export TERM=xterm
stty... (6 Replies)
I'm writing a BBS terminal program. And have hit a major roadblock. My terminal works fine for every BBS out there, except Mystic BBSes. I've narrowed down the problem to the usage of the stty() command. The problem is so: I cannot use the arrow keys to select certain things on Mystic... (4 Replies)