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evmstop(8) [osf1 man page]

evmstop(8)						      System Manager's Manual							evmstop(8)

evmstop - Stops the Event Manager SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/evmstop OPTIONS
This shell script stops EVM, and brings down the daemon. It is intended for use by the system shutdown scripts. Since EVM is required to be running for many system functions to operate correctly, this command should not be used under normal circumstances. EXIT VALUES
The following exit values are returned: Successful completion An error occurred FILES
Executable file Daemon process id used by evmstop SEE ALSO
Commands: evmchmgr(8), evmd(8), evmlogger(8), evmreload(8), evmstart(8), kill(1) Event Management: EVM(5) delim off evmstop(8)

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evmreload(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      evmreload(8)

evmreload - Reload Event Manager configuration files SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/evmreload [-d] [-a] [-c] [-l] [-n] OPTIONS
Reconfigures the EVM channel manager. Reconfigures the EVM daemon. Reconfigures the EVM logger. Syntax checks the event template files and reports errors, but does not make any changes effective. If a daemon reconfiguration is requested, the reconfiguration request will be sent even if there are errors in any template file. If errors exist, there is no guarantee that the new configuration will be accepted. OPERANDS
The evmreload command posts control events that instruct EVM resident components to reload their configuration files. It should be run to cause EVM to begin using the new configuration any time a configuration file has been changed. If no options are specified, the daemon, the channel manager, and the logger all reload their configurations. The daemon should be reconfigured any time its configuration file or event template database has changed. The logger should be reconfig- ured anytime its configuration has changed. The channel manager should be reconfigured anytime its configuration has changed. Resident EVM components also reload their configuration files on receipt of a SIGHUP signal. If an activity monitor is specified in the EVM daemon configuration file, all counts and timers associated with the monitor are reset. NOTES
The evmreload command uses the evmshow -verify command to check for errors in configuration files before sending a reload request to EVM. If errors are found, they are reported to stderr and no reconfiguration request is sent. This check does not find all possible errors, however, so you should take care to check for errors reported by the EVM components themselves. To do this, run the following command: evmget -A -f '[name *.evm] & [age < 5m]' -t '@timestamp @@' RESTRICTIONS
You must be user root to run this command. EXAMPLES
The following command will cause the EVM daemon to reconfigure itself: /usr/sbin/evmreload -d The following command will cause the EVM log- ger to reconfigure itself: /usr/sbin/evmreload -l The following command will cause the EVM channel manager to reconfigure itself: /usr/sbin/evmreload -c To syntax check the daemon configuration file without any reconfiguration actually occurring, enter the following command: /usr/sbin/evmreload -n To reconfigure both the EVM daemon and the EVM logger, enter the following command: /usr/sbin/evmreload -d -l To reconfigure the EVM daemon, the EVM logger, and the EVM channel manager, enter the following command: /usr/sbin/evmreload The follow- ing command will reconfigure the EVM daemon, the EVM logger, and the EVM channel manager even if there are errors in the template file. /usr/sbin/evmreload -a EXIT VALUES
The following exit values are returned: Successful completion An error occurred FILES
Executable file SEE ALSO
Commands: evmchmgr(8), evmd(8), evmlogger(8), evmpost(1) Files: evmchannel.conf(4), evmdaemon.conf(4), evmlogger.conf(4) Event Management: EVM(5) EVM Events: EvmEvent(5) delim off evmreload(8)
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