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autopush(8) [osf1 man page]

autopush(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       autopush(8)

autopush - Manages the system's database of automatically pushed STREAMS modules SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/autopush -f file /usr/sbin/autopush -r -M major -m minor /usr/sbin/autopush -g -M major -m minor FLAGS
Sets up the system database that contains the lists of modules to be automatically pushed on the streams for STREAMS devices. The file argument specifies the system file from which the command will copy this configuration information. The -f flag is also used to place a device's configuration information back into the database. Gets the configuration information in the system database for the STREAMS major and minor device or devices specified by the -M and -m flags. Removes the configuration information in the system's database for the STREAMS major and minor device or devices specified by the -M and -m flags. DESCRIPTION
The autopush command manages the system's database of information for the automatic configuration of STREAMS devices. The autopush com- mand's flags are mutually exclusive. The command initializes the database with the names of the STREAMS devices to be automatically configured and a list of modules to use for each device (-f flag). When a device is subsequently opened, the STREAMS subsystem pushes the modules on the stream for the device. The autopush command also displays the current configuration information for a device in the database (-g flag), removes the information for a device from the database (-r flag), and replaces the information that has previously been removed (-f flag). When the -f flag is used to replace information in the database, the entire contents of the configuration file are copied. Also, the -r flag removes information only temporarily, because it acts on the database. To permanently exclude a STREAMS device from the database, you must remove its information from the configuration file. A device stream can be automatically constructed for a STREAMS major device, a major device and any associated minor devices, or just the minor devices, depending on the information in the configuration file. Tru64 UNIX provides the autopush.conf file for use as a configura- tion file. You can use another file as long as the information in the file is written in the correct format. The autopush.conf file con- tains one-line entries for each of the STREAMS devices that are to be automatically configured in the system. A line contains at least four fields: Contains an integer representing the STREAMS device's major device. Contains an integer representing one or more minor devices associated with the major device. If minor has a value of -1, then all the minor devices of the driver specified by major are given the same autopush configuration. Contains an integer representing the last minor device in a range associated with the major device. If last_minor has a value of 0 (zero), then the major device has only a single minor device for which the same stream must be constructed. Contains the name of the module to be automatically pushed onto the stream. There can be multiple module name fields, up to a maximum of eight, separated by spaces or commas. The autopush command pushes modules in the order in which they are listed. This means that the first module named is positioned just above the STREAMS device driver. The configuration file can also contain comment lines, which begin with # (number sign) and end with newline. If the major and minor arguments specified by the -M and -m flags of the -r flag option designate a range of minor devices, and minor matches the first minor device number in the range, then the autopush command removes the configuration information for all of the minor devices of the major device. If the major and minor arguments specified by the -M and -m flags of the -g flag option are set for a range in the configuration file, the autopush command returns the configuration information for the first minor device number, in addition to the other information. EXAMPLES
To set up the automatic configuration information for the STREAMS devices in the system, enter: autopush -f /etc/autopush.conf To obtain information about the stream for major device 28 and its minor device -2, enter: autopush -g -M 28 -m -2 FILES
Specifies the modules to be pushed onto the streams for STREAMS devices. RELATED INFORMATION
Interfaces: streamio(7) delim off autopush(8)
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