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sdeckanji(5) [osf1 man page]

sdeckanji(5)							File Formats Manual						      sdeckanji(5)

sdeckanji - A character encoding system (codeset) for Japanese DESCRIPTION
The Super DEC Kanji codeset extends the DEC Kanji codeset to support the CS2 (JIS Katakana) and CS3 (JIS X0212) character sets that are also included in the Japanese EUC codeset. Super DEC Kanji is therefore a superset of both DEC Kanji and Japanese EUC and can handle data encoded in either DEC Kanji or Japanese EUC. The codeset was implemented to ease the transition from DEC Kanji, which is proprietary encod- ing, to Japanese EUC, which is encoding specified by an industry standard. In addition to supporting standard Japanese character sets, Super DEC Kanji provides three areas for defining User-Defined Characters (UDC). The UDC areas are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ Area Usage Row Range Number of Char- Code Range acters ------------------------------------------------------------ JIS X0208 85-94 940 F5A1-FEFE JIS X0212 78-94 1598 SS3 [EEA1-FEFE] UDC 1-94 8836 A121-FE7E ------------------------------------------------------------ The representation of ASCII/JIS Roman, JIS X0208 and User-Defined Characters (UDC) in Super DEC Kanji is the same as that in DEC Kanji. The representation of CS2 and CS3 in Super DEC Kanji is the same as that in Japanese EUC. Codeset Conversion The following codeset converter pairs are available for converting Japanese characters between sdeckanji and other encoding formats. Refer to iconv_intro(5) for an introduction to codeset conversion. For more information about the other codeset for which sdeckanji is the input or output, see the reference page specified in the list item. deckanji_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_deckanji Converting from and to the DEC Kanji codeset: deckanji(5). eucJP_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_eucJP Converting from and to Japanese Extended UNIX Code: eucJP(5). ISO-2022-JP_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_ISO-2022JP Converting from and to the ISO 2022-JP codeset: iso2022jp(5). ISO-2022-JPext_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_ISO-2022JPext Converting from and to the ISO 2022-JP Extended codeset: iso2022jp(5). JIS7_sdeckanji or jiskanji7_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_JIS7 or sdeckanji_jiskanji7 Converting from and to 7-bit JIS Kanji code: jiskanji(5). SJIS_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_SJIS Converting from and to the Shift JIS codeset: SJIS(5). Shift JIS encoding is identical to encoding used in the Microsoft Japanese code page for PC systems. Therefore, you can use these converters to convert Japanese characters between Super DEC Kanji and PC code-page format. For information on how the operating sys- tem supports PC code pages, see code_page(5). UCS-2_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_UCS-2 Converting from and to UCS-2 format: Unicode(5). UCS-4_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_UCS-4 Converting from and to UCS-4 format: Unicode(5). UTF-8_sdeckanji, sdeckanji_UTF-8 Converting from and to UTF--8 format: Unicode(5). Font Support for Super DEC Kanji For display devices, the operating system supports sdeckanji code by converting it to deckanji and using fonts available for deckanji. Refer to i18n_printing(5) and Japanese(5) for information about supporting print jobs that contain Japanese characters. SEE ALSO
Commands: locale(1) Others: ascii(5), code_page(5), deckanji(5), eucJP(5), i18n_intro(5), i18n_printing(5), iconv_intro(5), iso2022jp(5), Japanese(5), jiskanji(5), l10n_intro(5), shiftjis(5), Unicode(5) sdeckanji(5)

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jiskanji(5)							File Formats Manual						       jiskanji(5)

jiskanji, jiskanji7, JIS7 - A character encoding system (codeset) for Japanese DESCRIPTION
JIS Kanji is a codeset that uses the JIS X0202 symbol extension method for encoding the JIS X0208 and JIS X0201 character sets. There are two types of JIS Kanji encoding: 7-bit JIS Kanji code and 8-bit JIS Kanji code. 7-bit JIS Kanji Code In 7-bit JIS Kanji encoding, all character values are 7-bit bytes. Characters are interpreted according to preceding in and out sequences as follows: Kanji in sequence (ESC $ B) The code values following the Kanji in sequence (ESC $ B) are treated as characters in the JIS X0208 Kanji character set. Kanji out sequence (ESC ( B) The code values following the Kanji out sequence (ESC ( B) are treated as ASCII characters. Supplementary Kanji in sequence (ESC $ ( D) The code values following the supplementary Kanji in sequence (ESC $ ( D) are treated as characters in the JIS X0212 supplementary Kanji character set. User-Defined Character (UDC) in sequence (ESC $ ( 0) The code values following the UDC in sequence (ESC $ ( 0) are treated as characters in the vendor-defined or user-defined character set. Kana in (SO) and Kana out (SI) sequences The code values following SO(0x0e) and preceding SI(0x0f) are treated as characters in the JIS X0201 Katakana character set. Katakana in sequence (ESC ( I) Code values following the Katakana in sequence (ESC ( I) are treated as characters in the JIS X0201 Katakana character set. In this case, the Kanji out sequence is used to switch back to ASCII code. The Katakana in and Kanji out sequences are an alternative to using the Kana in and out sequences (SO/SI). 8-bit JIS Kanji Code In 8-bit JIS Kanji encoding, the JIS X0201 Katakana characters are represented as 8-bit bytes. Using this form of encoding, in and out sequences have the following effect: Kanji in sequence (ESC $ B) Code values following the Kanji in sequence (ESC $ B) are treated as characters in the JIS X0208 Kanji character set. Supplementary Kanji in sequence (ESC $ ( D) Code values following the supplementary Kanji in sequence (ESC $ ( D) are treated as characters in the JIS X0212 supplementary Kanji character set. User-Defined Character (UDC) in sequence (ESC $ ( 0) Code values following the UDC in sequence (ESC $ ( 0) are treated as vendor-defined or user-defined characters. Kanji out sequence (ESC ( B) Code values following the Kanji out sequence (ESC ( B) are treated as ASCII characters. Kana in and out sequences (SI/SO) These sequences are ignored. Codeset Conversion The following codeset converter pairs are available for converting Japanese characters between jiskanji7 or JIS7 and other encoding for- mats. The RESTRICTIONS section discusses some conversion limitations that apply to these converters. Refer to iconv_intro(5) for an introduction to codeset conversion. For more information about the other codeset for which jiskanji7 or JIS7 is the input or output, see the reference page specified in the list item. deckanji_jiskanji7 or deckanji_JIS7, jiskanji7_deckanji or JIS7_deckanji Converting from and to the DEC Kanji codeset: deckanji(5). eucJP_jiskanji7 or eucJP_JIS7, jiskanji7_eucJP or JIS7_eucJP Converting from and to Japanese Extended UNIX Code: eucJP(5). eucTW_jiskanji7 or eucTW_JIS7, jiskanji7_eucTW or JIS7_eucTW Converting from and to Taiwanese Extended UNIX Code: eucTW(5). sdeckanji_jiskanji7 or sdeckanji_JIS7, jiskanji7_sdeckanji or JIS7_sdeckanji Converting from and to the Super DEC Kanji codeset: sdeckanji(5). SJIS_jiskanji7 or SJIS_JIS7, jiskanji7_SJIS or JIS7_SJIS Converting from and to Shift JIS format: SJIS(5). Shift JIS encoding format is identical to encoding in Microsoft code-pages used on PC systems. Therefore, you can use these convert- ers to convert Japanese characters between JIS Kanji and PC code-page format. For general information on how the operating system supports PC code pages, see code_page(5). RESTRICTIONS
The JIS Kanji codeset is not supported directly by a locale but through code conversion (through the iconv utility, Japanese terminal (tty) code conversion, and so forth). In the codeset naming conventions used by the iconv utility, the string JIS7 indicates 7-bit JIS Kanji code that follows a Katakana in sequence and the string jiskanji7 indicates 7-bit JIS Kanji code entered between Kana in and out sequences. The following sequences are valid for input to the iconv utility but are not generated when code is converted to jiskanji7: Kanji in (ESC $ @) Kanji in (ESC & @ ESC $ B) Kanji in (ESC $ ( B) Kanji in (ESC $ ( @) Supplementary Kanji in (ESC $ D) Kana in (ESC ( J) Kana in (ESC ( H) In the code naming conventions of the Japanese terminal, the string jis7 indicates 7-bit JIS Kanji code and the string jis8 indicates 8-bit JIS Kanji code. When the terminal code is set to jis7, the Kana in and out sequences (SI/SO) are used for JIS X0201 Katakana character rep- resentation. SEE ALSO
Commands: locale(1) Others: ascii(5), code_page(5), deckanji(5), eucJP(5), i18n_intro(5), i18n_printing(5), iconv_intro(5), iso2022jp(5), Japanese(5), l10n_intro(5), sdeckanji(5), shiftjis(5) jiskanji(5)
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