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mqueue(4) [osf1 man page]

mqueue(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							 mqueue(4)

mqueue - Contains the log file and temporary files associated with the messages in the mail queue SYNOPSIS
/usr/spool/mqueue DESCRIPTION
The /usr/spool/mqueue directory contains temporary files associated with the messages in the mail queue and may contain the log file. Tem- porary files have names that include the mail queue ID (MQID) of the message for which the file was created: Data file Lock file Backup file Queue control file Temporary control file Transcript file for session RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: sendmail(8) Daemons: syslogd(8) delim off mqueue(4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

mqueue.h(3HEAD) 						      Headers							   mqueue.h(3HEAD)

mqueue.h, mqueue - message queues SYNOPSIS
#include <mqueue.h> DESCRIPTION
The <mqueue.h> header defines the mqd_t type, which is used for message queue descriptors. This will not be an array type. A message queue descriptor may be implemented using a file descriptor, in which case applications can open up to at least OPEN_MAX file and message queues. The <mqueue.h> header defines the sigevent structure (as described in <signal.h>, see signal.h(3HEAD)) and the mq_attr structure, which is used in getting and setting the attributes of a message queue. Attributes are initially set when the message queue is created. A mq_attr structure has the following members: long mq_flags message queue flags long mq_maxmsg maximum number of messages long mq_msgsize maximum message size long mq_curmsgs number of messages currently queued Inclusion of the <mqueue.h> header may make visible symbols defined in the headers <fcntl.h>, <signal.h>, <sys/types.h>, and <time.h>. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
fcntl.h(3HEAD), signal.h(3HEAD), time.h(3HEAD), types.h(3HEAD), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 30 Aug 2002 mqueue.h(3HEAD)
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/var/spool/mqueue !!!

I keep having this msg on my SunOS console : Jun 29 08:57:40 bersimis sendmail: NOQUEUE: low on space (have 0, SMTP-DAEMON needs 101 in /var/spool/mqueue) I tried to make some space by deleting the files in it, but the msg came back ... Any tips ? Thanks (3 Replies)
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2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

NOQUEUE: low on space ( have 0, SMTP-DAEMON needs 101 in /var/spool/mqueue)

hi, I'm in Solaris 2.8 env. When i'm trying to add a ftp user account , encountered "no space in disk" .. couldn't create any user. Then check the fs disk space with "df - k " and /var/adm/syslog .. got the below message. Jun 9 03:10:53 mail sendmail: NOQUEUE: low on space (have 0,... (10 Replies)
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SLES - 10 -DFLT_MSGMAX - Message queues in /usr/src/linux/ipc/mqueue.c

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Mail going to /var/spool/mqueue instead of being sent

Hello, I have a bunch of cron jobs in the crontab. For some reason mail from the cron jobs started going to /var/spool/mqueue instead of being sent. Does anyone know why mail from cron jobs would go to the queue instead of being sent? (9 Replies)
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5. Homework & Coursework Questions


Use and complete the template provided. If you don't, your post may be deleted! 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data: what these lines of coding are doing? 2. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms: && SMQUEUE="$QUEUE" && SMQUEUE=1h 3. The... (1 Reply)
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6. Solaris

Solaris 9, /var/spool/clientmqueue/

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7. Programming

Permission denied when creating message queue

Hi guys. i have wrote a simple program to test message queue attributes. here it is: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <mqueue.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> int main() { struct mq_attr attr; mqd_t mqd; ... (2 Replies)
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8. Solaris

Need to know command to delete more than 3 million files from /var/spool/clientmqueue

Hi I need to delete more than 3 million files from /var/spool/clientmqueue. When I give the following command to delete the files, I get the error # pwd /var/spool/clientmqueue # rm -f * /usr/bin/rm: arg list too long Please tell me how can I delete the files (5 Replies)
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9. Solaris


Hi, solaris : 9 can we delete the files from this location /var/spool/clientmqueue . I found around 40K files lying in this location. Regards (1 Reply)
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10. Solaris


Hi, my /var/spool/clientmqueue directory is filling up. I wanted to know if my server is using sendmail. Any way i can confirm that? I am using Solaris 9. cd /usr/lib man sendmail No manual entry for sendmail. more /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf: No such file or directory mailq... (0 Replies)
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12. Solaris

/var/spool/mqueue issue

Hi guys . I have a solaris machine serving as a DNS server for my environment. Everytime I go into /var/spool/mqueue , there are an aweful lot of emails with names likes: qfqB6ChrpL006644. When I cat the file , I get the following output: H??Received: from (3 Replies)
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