xtdisplaystringconversionwarning(3xt) [osf1 man page]
XtDisplayStringConversionWarning - issue a conversion warning message
void XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(display, from_value, to_type)
Display* display;
String from_value, to_type;
Specifies the display connection with which the conversion is associated. Specifies the string that could not be converted. Specifies the
target representation type requested.
The XtDisplayStringConversionWarning function issues a warning message using XtAppWarningMsg with name "conversionError", type "string",
class "XtToolkitError", and the default message string "Cannot convert "from_value" to type to_type".
To issue other types of warning or error messages, the type converter should use XtAppWarningMsg or XtAppErrorMsg .
SEE ALSO XtAppWarningMsg(3Xt)
X Toolkit Intrinsics -- C Language Interface
Xlib -- C Language X Interface
Check Out this Related Man Page
XtAppWarningMsg() XtAppWarningMsg()
XtAppWarningMsg - call the high-level warning handler.
void XtAppWarningMsg(app_context, name, type, class , default, params, num_params)
XtAppContext app_context;
String name;
String type;
String class;
String default;
String *params;
Cardinal *num_params;
Specifies the application context.
name Specifies the general kind of error.
type Specifies the detailed name of the error.
class Specifies the resource class.
default Specifies the default message to use if no message is found in the database.
params Specifies an array of values to be inserted into the message.
Specifies the number of elements in params.
XtAppWarningMsg() passes all of its arguments except app_context to the installed high-level warning handler. The default high-level warn-
ing handler is _XtDefaultWarningMsg(). It calls XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText() to lookup a message of the specified name, type, and class in
the error database. If no such message is found, XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText() returns the specified default message. In either case,
_XtDefaultWarningMsg() does a printf-style substitution of params into the message, and passes the resulting text to the low-level warning
handler by calling XtWarning().
See XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText() for details on how messages are looked up in the error database.
To report fatal error messages and exit, use XtAppErrorMsg(). To change the high-level warning handler, use XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler().
Note that the num_params argument to this function is a Cardinal *, not a Cardinal.
Although the Intrinsics interface allows separate error and warning handlers for each application context, most implementations will sup-
port only a single set of handlers. When a new handler is installed, it will be used in all application contexts.
The following code is from XtDisplayStringConversionWarning():
String params[2];
Cardinal num_params = 2;
params[0] = (String)from;
params[1] = (String)toType;
XtNconversionError, "string", XtCXtToolkitError,
"Cannot convert string to type %s",
params, &num_params);
See AlsoXtAppError(1), XtAppErrorMsg(1), XtAppSetErrorHandler(1), XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler(1), XtAppSetWarningHandler(1), XtAppSetWarningMsgHan-
dler(1), XtAppWarning(1),
XtErrorHandler(2), XtErrorMsgHandler(2).
Xt - Error Handling XtAppWarningMsg()
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