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xmwidgetgetdisplayrect(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(3X)												XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(3X)

XmWidgetGetDisplayRect - Retrieves display rectangle information for a widget SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmWidgetGetDisplayRect (widget, displayrect) Widget widget; XRectangle *displayrect; DESCRIPTION
XmWidgetGetDisplayRect returns the width, height and the x and y coordinates of the upper left corner of the display rectangle of the spec- ified widget. The display rectangle is the smallest rectangle that encloses either a string or a pixmap. If the widget contains a string, the return values specify the x and y coordinates of the upper left corner of the display rectangle rela- tive to the origin of the widget and the width and height in pixels. In the case of a pixmap, the return values specify the x and y coordinates of the upper left corner of the pixmap relative to the origin, and the width and height of the pixmap in pixels. Specifies the widget ID Specifies a pointer to an XRectangle structure in which the x and y coordinates, width and height of the display rectangle are returned RETURN VALUE
Returns True if the specified widget has an associated display rectangle; otherwise, returns False. SEE ALSO
XmWidgetGetBaselines(3X) XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(3X)

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XDrawRectangle(3X11)						     MIT X11R4						      XDrawRectangle(3X11)

       XDrawRectangle, XDrawRectangles, XRectangle - draw rectangles and rectangles structure

       XDrawRectangle(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height)
	  Display *display;
	  Drawable d;
	  GC gc;
	  int x, y;
	  unsigned int width, height;

       XDrawRectangles(display, d, gc, rectangles, nrectangles)
	  Display *display;
	  Drawable d;
	  GC gc;
	  XRectangle rectangles[];
	  int nrectangles;

       d	 Specifies the drawable.

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       gc	 Specifies the GC.

		 Specifies the number of rectangles in the array.

		 Specifies a pointer to an array of rectangles.

       height	 Specify the width and height, which specify the dimensions of the rectangle.

       y	 Specify the x and y coordinates, which specify the upper-left corner of the rectangle.

       The and functions draw the outlines of the specified rectangle or rectangles as if a five-point protocol request were specified for each

	      [x,y] [x+width,y] [x+width,y+height] [x,y+height] [x,y]

       For the specified rectangle or rectangles, these functions do not draw a pixel more than once.  draws the rectangles in the order listed in
       the array.  If rectangles intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times.

       Both functions use these GC components: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style, join-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x-ori-
       gin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask.  They also use these GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-
       x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash-offset, and dash-list.

       and can generate and errors.

       The structure contains:

       typedef struct {
	    short x, y;
	    unsigned short width, height;
       } XRectangle;

       All x and y members are signed integers.  The width and height members are 16-bit unsigned integers.  You should be careful not to generate
       coordinates and sizes out of the 16-bit ranges, because the protocol only has 16-bit fields for these values.

       A value for a Drawable argument does not name a defined Window or Pixmap.

       A value for a GContext argument does not name a defined GContext.

       An	 window is used as a Drawable.

       Some argument or pair of arguments has the correct type and range but fails
		 to match in some other way required by the request.

See Also
       XDrawArc(3X11), XDrawLine(3X11), XDrawPoint(3X11)
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys

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