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xmstringinitcontext(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmStringInitContext(3X) 												   XmStringInitContext(3X)

XmStringInitContext - A compound string function that allows applications to read out the content segment by segment SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmStringInitContext (context, string) XmStringContext * context; XmString string; DESCRIPTION
XmStringInitContext maintains a context to allow applications to read out the contents of a compound string segment by segment. This func- tion establishes the context for this read out. This context is used when reading subsequent segments out of the string. A Boolean status is returned to indicate if the input string could be parsed. Specifies a pointer to the allocated context Specifies the string. RETURN VALUE
Returns True if the context was allocated SEE ALSO
XmStringCreate(3X) XmStringInitContext(3X)

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XmStringGetNextSegment(3X)												XmStringGetNextSegment(3X)

XmStringGetNextSegment - A compound string function that fetches the octets in the next segment of a compound string SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmStringGetNextSegment (context, text, tag, direction, separator) XmStringContext context; char **text; XmStringCharSet *tag; XmStringDirection *direction; Boolean *separator; DESCRIPTION
XmStringGetNextSegment fetches the octets in the next segment; repeated calls fetch sequential segments. The text, tag, and direction of the fetched segment are returned each time. A Boolean status is returned to indicate whether a valid segment was successfully parsed. Specifies the string context structure which was allocated by the XmStringInitContext function. Specifies a pointer to a null terminated string. Specifies a pointer to the font list element tag associated with the text. Specifies a pointer to the direction of the text. Specifies whether the next component of the compound string is a separator. RETURN VALUE
Returns True if a valid segment is found. SEE ALSO
XmStringCreate(3X), XmStringInitContext(3X) XmStringGetNextSegment(3X)
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