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xmstringgetltor(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmStringGetLtoR(3X)													       XmStringGetLtoR(3X)

XmStringGetLtoR - A compound string function that searches for a text segment in the input compound string SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmStringGetLtoR (string, tag, text) XmString string; XmStringCharSet tag; char **text; DESCRIPTION
XmStringGetLtoR searches for a text segment in the input compound string that matches the given font list element tag. Specifies the com- pound string. Specifies the font list element tag associated with the text. A value of XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG identifies a locale text segment. Specifies a pointer to a null terminated string. RETURN VALUE
Returns True if the matching text segment can be found. On return, text will have a null terminated octet sequence containing the matched segment. SEE ALSO
XmStringCreate(3X) XmStringGetLtoR(3X)

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XmStringCreate(3X)														XmStringCreate(3X)

XmStringCreate - A compound string function that creates a compound string SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> XmString XmStringCreate (text, tag) char *text; char *tag; DESCRIPTION
XmStringCreate creates a compound string with two components: text and a font list element tag. Specifies a null-terminated string to be used as the text component of the compound string. Specifies the font list element tag to be associated with the given text. The value XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG identifies a locale text segment. RETURN VALUE
Returns a new compound string. SEE ALSO
XmFontList(3X), XmFontListAdd(3X), XmFontListAppendEntry(3X), XmFontListCopy(3X), XmFontListCreate(3X), XmFontListEntryCreate(3X), XmFontListEntryFree(3X), XmFontListEntryGetFont(3X), XmFontListEntryGetTag(3X), XmFontListEntryLoad(3X), XmFontListFree(3X), XmFontList- FreeFontContext(3X), XmFontListGetNextFont(3X), XmFontListInitFontContext(3X), XmFontListNextEntry(3X), XmFontListRemoveEntry(3X), XmString(3X), XmStringBaseline(3X), XmStringByteCompare(3X), XmStringCompare(3X), XmStringConcat(3X), XmStringCopy(3X), XmStringCreateLo- calized(3X), XmStringCreateLtoR(3X), XmStringCreateSimple(3X), XmStringDirection(3X), XmStringDirectionCreate(3X), XmStringDraw(3X), XmStringDrawImage(3X), XmStringDrawUnderline(3X), XmStringEmpty(3X), XmStringExtent(3X), XmStringFree(3X), XmStringFreeContext(3X), XmStringGetLtoR(3X), XmStringGetNextComponent(3X), XmStringGetNextSegment(3X), XmStringHasSubstring(3X), XmStringHeight(3X), XmStringInit- Context(3X), XmStringLength(3X), XmStringLineCount(3X), XmStringNConcat(3X), XmStringNCopy(3X), XmStringPeekNextComponent(3X), XmStringSeg- mentCreate(3X), XmStringSeparatorCreate(3X), XmStringTable(3X), XmStringWidth(3X) XmStringCreate(3X)
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