XmStringFreeContext - A compound string function that instructs the toolkit that the context is no longer needed
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
void XmStringFreeContext (context)
XmStringContext context;
XmStringFreeContext instructs the toolkit that the context is no longer needed and will not be used without reinitialization. Specifies
the string context structure that was allocated by the XmStringInitContext function
SEE ALSO XmStringCreate(3X), XmStringInitContext(3X)XmStringFreeContext(3X)
Hi Folks,
Today hasn't been the best one of my career in IT.
I've been a contractor for a major utility company for a number of years, on a number of seperate IT contracts mostly Unix. The company had 10 different flavours of unix and multiple different varsions of most of them.
At the... (3 Replies)