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xmlistsetaddmode(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmListSetAddMode(3X)													      XmListSetAddMode(3X)

XmListSetAddMode - A List function that sets add mode in the list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/List.h> void XmListSetAddMode (widget, state) Widget widget; Boolean state; DESCRIPTION
XmListSetAddMode allows applications control over Add Mode in the extended selection model. Specifies the ID of the List widget Specifies whether to activate or deactivate Add Mode. If state is True, Add Mode is activated. If state is False, Add Mode is deactivated. For a complete definition of List and its associated resources, see XmList(3X). SEE ALSO
XmList(3X) XmListSetAddMode(3X)

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XmCreateScrolledList(3X)												  XmCreateScrolledList(3X)

XmCreateScrolledList - The List ScrolledList convenience creation function SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/List.h> Widget XmCreateScrolledList (parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; String name; ArgList arglist; Cardinal argcount; DESCRIPTION
XmCreateScrolledList creates an instance of a List widget that is contained within a ScrolledWindow. All ScrolledWindow subarea widgets are automatically created by this function. The ID returned by this function is that of the List widget. Use this ID for all normal List operations, as well as those that are relevant for the ScrolledList widget. All arguments to either the List or the ScrolledWindow widget can be specified at creation time using this function. Changes to initial position and size are sent only to the ScrolledWindow widget. Other resources are sent to the List or the ScrolledWindow widget as appro- priate. This function forces the following initial values for ScrolledWindow resources: XmNscrollingPolicy is set to XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED. XmNvi- sualPolicy is set to XmVARIABLE. XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy is set to XmSTATIC. (No initial value is forced for the List's XmNscrollBarDis- playPolicy.) XmNshadowThickness is set to 0. To obtain the ID of the ScrolledWindow widget associated with the ScrolledList, use the Xt Intrinsics XtParent function. The name of the ScrolledWindow created by this function is formed by concatenating the letters SW onto the end of the name specified in the parameter list. Specifies the parent widget ID Specifies the name of the created widget Specifies the argument list Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist) For a complete definition of List and its associated resources, see XmList(3X). RETURN VALUE
Returns the List widget ID. SEE ALSO
XmList(3X), XmScrolledWindow(3X) XmCreateScrolledList(3X)
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