XmGetDragContext - A Drag and Drop function that retrieves the DragContext widget ID associated with a timestamp
#include <Xm/DragC.h>
Widget XmGetDragContext (refwidget, timestamp)
Widget refwidget;
Time timestamp;
XmGetDragContext returns the widget ID of the active DragContext associated with a given display and timestamp. A timestamp uniquely iden-
tifies which DragContext is active when more than one drag and drop transaction has been initiated on a display. If the specified time-
stamp matches a timestamp processed between the start and finish of a single drag and drop transaction, the function returns the corre-
sponding DragContext ID. Specifies the ID of the widget that the routine uses to identify the intended display. The function returns the
ID of the DragContext associated with the display value passed by this widget. Specifies a timestamp.
For a complete definition of DragContext and its associated resources, see XmDragContext(3X).
Returns the ID of the DragContext widget that is active for the specified timestamp. Otherwise, returns NULL if no active DragContext is
SEE ALSO XmDragContext(3X)XmGetDragContext(3X)
Check Out this Related Man Page
XmDragStart - A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drag and drop transaction
#include <Xm/DragDrop.h>
Widget XmDragStart (widget, event, arglist, argcount)
Widget widget;
XEvent *event;
ArgList arglist;
Cardinal argcount;
XmDragStart initiates a drag operation. This routine returns the DragContext widget that it initializes for the associated drag transac-
tion. The toolkit is responsible for freeing the DragContext when the drag and drop transaction is complete. Specifies the ID of the
smallest widget and/or gadget that encloses the source elements selected for a drag operation. Specifies the XEvent that triggered the
drag operation. This event must be a ButtonPress event. Specifies the argument list. Any XmDragContext resources not specified in the
argument list are obtained from the resource database or are set to their default values. Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in
the argument list (arglist).
For a complete definition of DragContext and its associated resources, see XmDragContext(3X).
Returns the ID of the DragContext widget that controls this drag and drop transaction.
SEE ALSO XmDragCancel(3X), XmDragContext(3X)XmDragStart(3X)
i have heard that date and time stamp are stored somewhere in unix as an interger.
suppose May 20 07:05:59 is stored as 12342234
can anyone tell me where to find this integer. (9 Replies)
I was wondering if it was at all possible to change the timestamp of a soft link. I want to change it to a time in the past before it was created.
In a directory i have a number of softlinks whih point to files, a script processes these files oldest first bassed on the time the... (8 Replies)
I am new to Unix shell Script
db2 connect to r2pdev user bmwdevup using summer08 >>$monlog
# get the current timestamp from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
echo "Run SQL select current timestamp from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 with ur" >>$monlog
db2 "select current... (8 Replies)
Hi Gurus,
The requirement is to collect the timestamp of soft links and collect it in a file in the following pattern:
This is the expected output:
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mi:ss filename
12/26/2008 10:31:09 <Filename>.zip
The closest way I could get was this:
ls... (8 Replies)
I want to modify a filename in AIX by attaching the last modified timestamp. I want the timestamp completely in numerical format (eg:200905081210. yr-2009, mnth - 05, date -08, hr - 12, mins - 10).
For example if the filename is a.log and it was modified on April 6th 2008 at 21.00. I... (16 Replies)
I'd like to get the file timestamp by 'YYYYMMDD' on Solaris 9 9/05.
I can get it on the other UNIX distribution with the following command;
ls -d -l --time-style='+%Y%m%d'$FNAME | awk '{print $6; }'
but cannot get it on Solaris, it comes format error.
Could you give me any advice on this? (18 Replies)
My file name is of the format:
my timestamp is of the format:
How to extract the date strring and time string into seperate variables in the shell script, after reading the file as the input?
I want to get the variables... (9 Replies)
Hi All,
Am trying to get a command which gives the "date + time" that a file was edited.
I cant use "ls -l" because it fails to get me the "time stamp" of files that were edited more than 6 months ago...commands like "stat" "ctime" etc aren't available on my server and I can't install them... (12 Replies)
my script is accepting the time from user. Then I have to select all records from file that lie between the time stamp supplied by user.
For eg
File format:
25-01-2012,20:06:27, ,09454545455,099999999999999,105,105, , ,TTK32,9999, ,PPUU, ,O, ,99, , ,
25-01-2012,20:06:39,... (10 Replies)
Need assistance on a Perl script.
I have a list of file names in a file and would like to search/grep the same names in the list of files on the ftp server and output to a file. Any help is appreciable
Below is the script that can give me the list of files,size of file, Modified date on the... (56 Replies)
Hi Gurus, i need your help to create a script the will print a characters after the pattern was found.
Sample lines are below:
My birthday:"1977-16-07", My birthday:"1975-16-07"
My birthday:"1970-16-07".
My patter should be "birthday:", then i want to print the following characters which... (18 Replies)
I want to list down the files between two timestamp. But I can not use newer or newermt command as it doesn't support these tokens.
Is there any other way to achieve this? Else I have to write too much of coding .
Dec 01 02:02
Dec 02 05:07 (8 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I am trying to copy a file from source to destination, I need to preseve timestamp of destination
cd desitnation
ll file.txt
Aug 17 17:22 file.txt
cp -p source/file.txt destination/
I need to preseve same timestamp after copying
cd desitnation
ll file.txt
Aug 17... (9 Replies)
I have a data file where the timestamp is in the style of:
2016-10-11 07:01:23.375-500
which is yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss-000 then time conversion from UTC
What i need to do is convert these timestamps from the above format to a the Serial Date format (i.e 42,654.2920446 )
now.. if... (14 Replies)