XmGetDestination - A function that returns the widget ID of the widget to be used as the current destination for quick paste and certain
clipboard operations
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
Widget XmGetDestination (display)
Display *display;
XmGetDestination returns the widget that is the current destination on the specified display. The destination is generally the last
editable widget on which a select, edit, insert, or paste operation was performed and is the destination for quick paste and certain clip-
board functions. The destination is NULL if the application makes this call before any of the specified operations have been performed on
an editable widget. Specifies the display whose destination widget is to be queried
Returns the widget ID for the current destination or NULL if there is no current destination.
Check Out this Related Man Page
XtParseAcceleratorTable(3Xt) XT FUNCTIONS XtParseAcceleratorTable(3Xt)NAME
XtParseAcceleratorTable, XtInstallAccelerators, XtInstallAllAccelerators - managing accelerator tables
XtAccelerators XtParseAcceleratorTable(source)
String source;
void XtInstallAccelerators(destination, source)
Widget destination;
Widget source;
void XtInstallAllAccelerators(destination, source)
Widget destination;
Widget source;
source Specifies the accelerator table to compile.
Specifies the widget on which the accelerators are to be installed.
source Specifies the widget or the root widget of the widget tree from which the accelerators are to come.
The XtParseAcceleratorTable function compiles the accelerator table into the opaque internal representation.
The XtInstallAccelerators function installs the accelerators from source onto destination by augmenting the destination translations with
the source accelerators. If the source display_accelerator method is non-NULL, XtInstallAccelerators calls it with the source widget and a
string representation of the accelerator table, which indicates that its accelerators have been installed and that it should display them
appropriately. The string representation of the accelerator table is its canonical translation table representation.
The XtInstallAllAccelerators function recursively descends the widget tree rooted at source and installs the accelerators of each widget
encountered onto destination. A common use os to call XtInstallAllAccelerators and pass the application main window as the source.
SEE ALSO XtParseTranslationTable(1)
X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 Release 6.6 XtParseAcceleratorTable(3Xt)
Hi Folks,
Today hasn't been the best one of my career in IT.
I've been a contractor for a major utility company for a number of years, on a number of seperate IT contracts mostly Unix. The company had 10 different flavours of unix and multiple different varsions of most of them.
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