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xmfontlistgetnextfont(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmFontListGetNextFont(3X)												 XmFontListGetNextFont(3X)

XmFontListGetNextFont - A font list function that allows applications to access the fonts and character sets in a font list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmFontListGetNextFont (context, charset, font) XmFontContext context; XmStringCharSet *charset; XFontStruct **font; DESCRIPTION
XmFontListGetNextFont accesses the character set and font for the next entry of the font list. The application first uses the XmFontLis- tInitFontContext routine to create a font list context. The application then calls XmFontListGetNextFont repeatedly with the same context. Each succeeding call accesses the next element of the font list. When finished, the application calls XmFontListFreeFontContext to free the allocated font list context. This routine allocates memory for the character set string that must be freed by the application. This function is obsolete and exists for compatibility with previous releases. It is replaced by XmFontListNextEntry. If XmFontListGet- NextFont is passed a context that contains a font set entry, it will return the first font of the font set. The next call to the function will move to the next entry in the font list. Specifies the font list context Specifies a pointer to a character set string; the routine returns the character set for the current font list element Specifies a pointer to a pointer to a font structure; the routine returns the font for the current font list element RETURN VALUE
Returns True if the returned values are valid; otherwise, returns False. SEE ALSO
XmFontList(3X), XmFontListNextEntry(3X) XmFontListGetNextFont(3X)

Check Out this Related Man Page

XmFontListGetNextFont(library call)									       XmFontListGetNextFont(library call)

XmFontListGetNextFont -- A font list function that allows applications to access the fonts and character sets in a font list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmFontListGetNextFont( XmFontContext context, XmStringCharSet *charset, XFontStruct **font); DESCRIPTION
XmFontListGetNextFont accesses the character set and font for the next entry of the font list. The application first uses the XmFontLis- tInitFontContext routine to create a font list context. The application then calls XmFontListGetNextFont repeatedly with the same context. Each succeeding call accesses the next element of the font list. When finished, the application calls XmFontListFreeFontContext to free the allocated font list context. This routine allocates memory for the character set string that must be freed by the application. The function allocates memory for charset. The application is responsible for managing the allocated memory. The application can recover the allocated memory by calling XtFree. This function is obsolete and exists for compatibility with previous releases. It is replaced by XmFontListNextEntry. If XmFontListGet- NextFont is passed a context that contains a font set entry, it will return the first font of the font set. The next call to the function will move to the next entry in the font list. context Specifies the font list context charset Specifies a pointer to a character set string; the routine returns the character set for the current font list element font Specifies a pointer to a pointer to a font structure; the routine returns the font for the current font list element RETURN
Returns True if the returned values are valid; otherwise, returns False. RELATED
XmFontList(3) and XmFontListNextEntry(3). XmFontListGetNextFont(library call)
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