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xmdeactivateprotocol(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmDeactivateProtocol(3X)												  XmDeactivateProtocol(3X)

XmDeactivateProtocol - A VendorShell function that deactivates a protocol without removing it SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> #include <Xm/Protocols.h> void XmDeactivateProtocol (shell, property, protocol) Widget shell; Atom property; Atom protocol; void XmDeactivateWMProtocol (shell, protocol) Widget shell; Atom protocol; DESCRIPTION
XmDeactivateProtocol deactivates a protocol without removing it. It updates the handlers and the property, if the shell is realized. It is sometimes useful to allow a protocol's state information (callback lists, etc.) to persist, even though the client may choose to tempo- rarily resign from the interaction. The main use of this capability is to gray/ungray f.send_msg entries in the Mwm system menu. This is supported by allowing a protocol to be in one of two states: active or inactive. If the protocol is active and the shell is realized, the property contains the protocol Atom. If the protocol is inactive, the Atom is not present in the property. XmDeactivateWMProtocol is a convenience interface. It calls XmDeactivateProtocol with the property value set to the atom returned by interning WM_PROTOCOLS. Specifies the widget with which the protocol property is associated Specifies the protocol property Specifies the protocol atom (or an int type cast to Atom) For a complete definition of VendorShell and its associated resources, see VendorShell(3X). SEE ALSO
mwm(1X), VendorShell(3X), XmDeactivateWMProtocol(3X), XmInternAtom(3X) XmDeactivateProtocol(3X)

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XmDeactivateProtocol(library call)										XmDeactivateProtocol(library call)

XmDeactivateProtocol -- A VendorShell function that deactivates a protocol without removing it SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> #include <Xm/Protocols.h> void XmDeactivateProtocol( Widget shell, Atom property, Atom protocol); DESCRIPTION
XmDeactivateProtocol deactivates a protocol without removing it. It updates the handlers and the property if the shell is realized. It is sometimes useful to allow a protocol's state information (callback lists, and so on) to persist, even though the client may choose to tem- porarily resign from the interaction. The main use of this capability is to gray/ungray f.send_msg entries in the MWM system menu. To support this capability, protocol is allowed to be in one of two states: active or inactive. If protocol is active and shell is realized, property contains the protocol Atom. If protocol is inactive, Atom is not present in the property. XmDeactivateWMProtocol is a convenience interface. It calls XmDeactivateProtocol with the property value set to the atom returned by interning WM_PROTOCOLS. shell Specifies the widget with which the protocol property is associated property Specifies the protocol property protocol Specifies the protocol atom For a complete definition of VendorShell and its associated resources, see VendorShell(3). RELATED
mwm(1), VendorShell(3), XmActivateProtocol(3), XmDeactivateWMProtocol(3), and XmInternAtom(3). XmDeactivateProtocol(library call)
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