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xmcreateerrordialog(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmCreateErrorDialog(3X) 												   XmCreateErrorDialog(3X)

XmCreateErrorDialog - The MessageBox ErrorDialog convenience creation function SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/MessageB.h> Widget XmCreateErrorDialog (parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; String name; ArgList arglist; Cardinal argcount; DESCRIPTION
XmCreateErrorDialog is a convenience creation function that creates a DialogShell and an unmanaged MessageBox child of the DialogShell. An ErrorDialog warns the user of an invalid or potentially dangerous condition. It includes a symbol, a message, and three buttons. The default symbol is an octagon with a diagonal slash. The default button labels are OK, Cancel, and Help. Use XtManageChild to pop up the ErrorDialog (passing the MessageBox as the widget parameter); use XtUnmanageChild to pop it down. Speci- fies the parent widget ID Specifies the name of the created widget Specifies the argument list Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist) For a complete definition of MessageBox and its associated resources, see XmMessageBox(3X). RETURN VALUE
Returns the MessageBox widget ID. SEE ALSO
XmMessageBox(3X) XmCreateErrorDialog(3X)

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XmCreateWarningDialog(3X)												 XmCreateWarningDialog(3X)

XmCreateWarningDialog - The MessageBox WarningDialog convenience creation function SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/MessageB.h> Widget XmCreateWarningDialog (parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; String name; ArgList arglist; Cardinal argcount; DESCRIPTION
XmCreateWarningDialog is a convenience creation function that creates a DialogShell and an unmanaged MessageBox child of the DialogShell. A WarningDialog warns users of action consequences and gives them a choice of resolutions. It includes a symbol, a message, and three but- tons. The default symbol is an exclamation point. The default button labels are OK, Cancel, and Help. Use XtManageChild to pop up the WarningDialog (passing the MessageBox as the widget parameter); use XtUnmanageChild to pop it down. Speci- fies the parent widget ID Specifies the name of the created widget Specifies the argument list Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist) For a complete definition of MessageBox and its associated resources, see XmMessageBox(3X). RETURN VALUE
Returns the MessageBox widget ID. SEE ALSO
XmMessageBox(3X) XmCreateWarningDialog(3X)
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