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dxmsvngetentryposition(3x) [osf1 man page]

DXmSvnGetEntryPosition(3X)												DXmSvnGetEntryPosition(3X)

DXmSvnGetEntryPosition - Retrieves (returns) the position of an entry in the display. SYNOPSIS
void DXmSvnGetEntryPosition( Widget widget, int entry, Boolean mode, int *x, int *y ); PARAMETERS
The identifier (widget ID) of the SVN widget. An integer that represents the number of the entry for which position information is required. A Boolean value that, when True, specifies that position information returned is relative to the upper-left corner of the SVN window. When False, the position information returned is internal SVN information only (for column and outline mode) or indicates the position of the entry in the entire tree (tree mode). A pointer to the x position in the tree. A pointer to the y position in the tree. DESCRIPTION
The DXmSvnGetEntryPosition routine allows an application to determine the position of entries. The routine interprets the x and y coordi- nates differently, depending on the application's mode: Outline and Column mode When the application is in outline or column mode (the DXMSvnNdisplayMode resource has been set to either DXMSvnKdisplayOutline or DXMSvnKdisplayColumn) and mode for the DXmSvnGetEntryPosition routine has been set to True, the x and y coordinates indicate, in pixels, the distance of the displayed entry from the upper-left corner of the SVN window. However, if the specified entry is not visible in the SVN window, the routine returns -1 (an invalid value) for both the x and y coordinates, because the SVN widget cannot determine the position of such an entry when the application is in outline or column mode. When mode is False, the values returned for the x and y coordinates are only meaningful internally to the SVN widget. Tree mode When the application is in tree mode (the DXMSvnNdisplayMode resource is set to DXMSvnKdisplayTree) and the DXMSvnNtreeStyle resource is set to DXMSvnKuserDefinedTree (the application controls the format), the x and y coordinates indicate, in pixels, the distance of the displayed entry from the upper-left corner of the SVN window, when mode is True. If the entry is not visible in the SVN window, the mode is False. However, in tree mode, the returned x and y coordinates indicate the position of the entry in the entire tree, even though that position extends beyond the limit of what can currently be displayed in the SVN window. Note that for position values to be valid, the SVN widget must have been enabled prior to any changes made to the contents of the display. DXmSvnGetEntryPosition(3X)

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DXmSvnSetEntry(3X)														DXmSvnSetEntry(3X)

DXmSvnSetEntry - Provides the SVN widget with new entry level information. SYNOPSIS
void DXmSvnSetEntry( Widget widget, int entry, int width, int height, int number, Boolean sens, XtPointer tag, Boolean index ); PARAMETERS
The identifier (widget ID) of the SVN widget. An integer that represents the number of the entry for which information will be set or changed. An integer that represents the width of the entry. This value is used to allocate sufficient display space for the entry. If 0 is specified, the SVN widget will calculate the width based on the components and font. An integer that represents the height of the entry. This value is used to allocate sufficient display space for the entry. If 0 is specified, the SVN widget will calculate the height based on the components and font. An integer that represents the number of components in this entry. A Boolean value that, when True, makes this entry sensitive (the user can select it). When False, the display for that entry will be dimmed to indicate that the entry is not sensitive (the user cannot select it). The value that the application will associate with the entry. This value is returned in all callbacks that set the entry_number field in the DXmSvnCallback structure. A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that all of the entries being added should be displayed in the scroll index window when the user drags the slider. Note that if you set this argument to True, the DXmNliveScrolling resource must be set to False. DESCRIPTION
The DXmSvnSetEntry routine enables an application to respond to a DXmSvnCRGetEntry callback requesting the information for an entry. You can specify a subset of the information allowed on this call by using the following routines: DXmSvnSetEntryNumComponents DXmSvnSetEntryTag DXmSvnSetEntryIndexWindow DXmSvnSetEntrySensitivity DXmSvnSetEntry Make this call in your application between calls to DXmSvnDisableDisplay and DXmSvnEnableDisplay. After making a call to this routine, your application should call the DXmSvnSetComponentText, DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap, and DXmSvnSetComponentWidget routines to individually supply the component information. Note that if your application calls the DXmSvnSetEntry routine to modify an existing entry and the number of entries changes, all previous component information is discarded. DXmSvnSetEntry(3X)
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