DXmPrintWgtPrintJob - Submits files to the print service.
unsigned long int DXmPrintWgtPrintJob(
Widget print_widget,
XmStringTable filenames,
int filename_count );
The identifier (widget ID) of the print widget. The file names to be printed. An integer that represents the number of file names.
The DXmPrintWgtPrintJob routine completes the submission of the identified files to the appropriate print service and returns the success
of the print job to the application.
An integer that indicates the success or failure of the print job, as follows: Print job failed. Print job was successful.
Check Out this Related Man Page
DXmPrintWgtAugmentList - Defines additional print formats and lets you add new options to the print widget option menus.
unsigned long int DXmPrintWgtAugmentList(
Widget pw,
int list,
XtPointer data );
The print widget. The print formats or options, indicated by the following values:
Value Description
DXmFILE_BURST_SHEET Specifies the availability and
frequency of printed File Burst
DXmFILE_END_SHEET Specifies the availability and
frequency of printed File End
DXmFILE_START_SHEET Specifies the availability and
frequency of printed File Start
DXmINPUT_TRAY Specifies the input tray holding
the sheet to be used for the
print job.
DXmMESSAGE_LOG Specifies what is to be done
with error messages generated
during the print operation.
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY Specifies the output tray in
which the sheet is to be placed.
DXmPAGE_SIZE Specifies the size of the print
DXmPRINT_FORMAT Specifies the print format.
DXmSHEET_SIZE Specifies the size of the sheet.
DXmSIDES Specifies how many sides of the
sheet will be printed.
One of the following data structures: DXmPrintFormatStruct, which has the following structure:
typedef struct _DXmPrintFormatStruct {
XmString ui_string;
XmString os_string;
XmString var_string; } DXmPrintFormatStruct;
Specifies the label displayed in the user interface. Specifies a string that identifies the print format to the operating system.
Specifies the UNIX environment variable that identifies the print format. DXmPrintOptionMenuStruct, which has the following struc-
typedef struct _DXmPrintOptionMenuStruct {
XmString ui_string;
XmString os_string; } DXmPrintOptionMenuStruct;
Specifies the label displayed in the user interface. Specifies a string that identifies the print option for the operating system.
The DXmPrintWgtAugmentList routine defines additional print formats and lets you add new options to the print widget option menus. Note
that the return value (an integer) is not required when adding print formats. However, the Intrinsics routines XtGetValues and XtSetValues
use that integer when subsequent calls are made on the option menus.
An integer that represents either the number of print formats known to the print widget or the identifier of a new option added to the
print widget option menu, depending on the operation performed. A Null return indicates that the addition of a print format or option was
SEE ALSO DXmCreatePrintBox(3X), DXmCreatePrintDialog(3X), DXmPrintWgtPrintJob(3X)
X Window System Toolkit