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dxmcreatescrolledcstext(3x) [osf1 man page]

DXmCreateScrolledCSText(3X)											       DXmCreateScrolledCSText(3X)

DXmCreateScrolledCSText - Creates a compound string text widget with scroll bars. SYNOPSIS
Widget DXmCreateScrolledCSText( Widget parent, char *name, Args *args, Cardinal num_args ); PARAMETERS
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent widget. The name of the created widget. The application override argument list. The number of arguments in the application override argument list. DESCRIPTION
The DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine creates a compound string text widget with scroll bars. The routine uses the same arguments and resources as the DXmCreateCSText routine to create a compound string text widget but uses the following resources to create horizontal and vertical scroll bars for the widget as well: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Description ------------------------------------------------------------------- XmNscrollHorizontal Controls whether a scroll bar that allows the user to scroll through text horizontally is added to the compound string text window. XmNscrollTopSide Controls whether the horizontal scroll bar is positioned at the top of the compound string text window. XmNscrollVertical Controls whether a scroll bar that allows the user to scroll through text vertically is added to the compound string text window. XmNscrollLeftSide Controls whether the vertical scroll bar is placed on the left side of the compound string text window. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Inherited Resources The DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine inherits behaviour and resources from the following superclasses: Core Resource Set XmPrimitive Resource Set DXmScrolledCSText Resource Set RETURN VALUES
The identifier (widget ID) of the created compound string text widget. SEE ALSO
DXmCreateCSText(3X) DXmCreateScrolledCSText(3X)

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XmCvtXmStringToCT(library call) 										   XmCvtXmStringToCT(library call)

XmCvtXmStringToCT -- A compound string function that converts a compound string to compound text SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> char * XmCvtXmStringToCT( XmString string); DESCRIPTION
XmCvtXmStringToCT converts a compound string to a (char *) string in compound text format. The application must call XtAppInitialize before calling this function. The converter uses the font list tag associated with a given compound string segment to select a compound text format for that segment. A registry defines a mapping between font list tags and compound text encoding formats. The converter uses the following algorithm for each compound string segment: 1. If the compound string segment tag is mapped to XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG in the registry, the converter passes the text of the compound string segment to XmbTextListToTextProperty with an encoding style of XCompoundTextStyle and uses the resulting compound text for that segment. 2. If the compound string segment tag is mapped to an MIT registered charset in the registry, the converter creates the compound text for that segment using the charset (from the registry) and the text of the compound string segment as defined in the X Consortium Standard Compound Text Encoding. 3. If the compound string segment tag is mapped to a charset in the registry that is neither XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG nor an MIT regis- tered charset, the converter creates the compound text for that segment using the charset (from the registry) and the text of the compound string segment as an "extended segment" with a variable number of octets per character. 4. If the compound string segment tag is not mapped in the registry, the result is implementation dependent. string Specifies a compound string to be converted to compound text. RETURN
Returns a (char *) string in compound text format. This format is described in the X Consortium Standard Compound Text Encoding. The function allocates space to hold the returned string. The application is responsible for managing the allocated space. The application can recover the allocated space by calling XtFree. RELATED
XmCvtCTToXmString(3), XmFontList(3), XmMapSegmentEncoding(3), XmRegisterSegmentEncoding(3), and XmString. XmCvtXmStringToCT(library call)
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