DXmColorMixSetNewColor - Sets the new color red, green, and blue values in the color mixing widget.
void DXmColorMixSetNewColor(
DXmColorMixWidget cmw,
unsigned short red,
unsigned short green,
unsigned short blue );
The identifier (widget ID) of the color mixing widget. The new color red value. The value is expressed as an X color value (0 to 65535).
The new color green value. The value is expressed as an X color value (0 to 65535). The new color blue value. The value is expressed as an
X color value (0 to 65535).
A complete list of all the X color values available to you is located on your system. To find it, type the following command: % find /
-name '*rgb*' -print
The DXmColorMixSetNewColor routine allows the application or a user-supplied color mixer subwidget to pass the current color value to the
color mixing widget. Note that your application will perform this operation faster if you call this routine instead of the Intrinsic rou-
tine XtSetValues.
SEE ALSO DXmColorMixGetNewColor(3X), DXmCreateColorMix(3X), DXmCreateColorMixDialog(3X)DXmColorMixSetNewColor(3X)
Check Out this Related Man Page
setcolor(1F) FMLI Commands setcolor(1F)NAME
setcolor - redefine or create a color
setcolor color red_level green_level blue_level
The setcolor command takes four arguments: color, which must be a string naming the color; and the arguments red_level, green_level, and
blue_level, which must be integer values defining, respectively, the intensity of the red, green, and blue components of color. Intensi-
ties must be in the range of 0 to 1000. If you are redefining an existing color, you must use its current name (default color names are:
black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, and white). setcolor returns the color's name string.
Example 1: A sample output of setcolor command.
The following is an example of the arguments that setcolor takes:
`setcolor blue 100 24 300`
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWcsu |
SEE ALSO attributes(5)SunOS 5.10 5 Jul 1990 setcolor(1F)
I need to change color of text in shell. I do it like that
#setterm -foreground green -store
but when I reboot computer color changes to default, how to make it autochange color (3 Replies)
I have a short code below:
awk 'NR==1 {printf "'$information'-MYDATA-'$information' \n"} {print $0}' data.file > newdata.file
I want the "information" color in RED and MYDATA in BLUE. How can I do it?
Please help!!!! (3 Replies)
I want to figure out what is the reason of error message I have in Solaris 10. Why Solaris 10 dosn't recognize 65535?
ps: 65535 is an invalid non-numeric argument for -p option
usage: ps
'format' is one or more of:
Thank you (5 Replies)
Can anyone help me on this. I have a file that looks like this:
color red green blue
color pink yellow
number one two
gender male
gender female
The output would look like this:
color red green blue pink yellow
number one two
gender male female
I have over 5000 rows and i dont want... (5 Replies)
Hi all,
I would like to know how to have a color display in the terminal...
In the sense that,
In many linux terminals,we have color coded for each file type,
green for executable ,blue for dirs and so on...
I wanted to know how i can have the same arrangement in solaris(b-79a)
I am not... (5 Replies)
im looking for an easy way to color specific strings in text file.
simple example:
cat file1
acb 1234
qwer 5678
my goal:
cat file1 (color the acb red and the 5678 blue)
acb 1234
qwer 5678
cheers (2 Replies)
Good morning,
Can someone help to color a figure in columns if its exceeding a threshold using shell script .
ex. I have file contains 5 columns showing a value in % I need to show the value in red if it exceed 90 %
Appreciate your help (3 Replies)
Hi all
I have a file contains columns showing figures as below :
Input file
D 50 60 90
E 100 20 53
F 30 40 70
G 25 27 45
I want to color the value above or equal 90 by red and to be shown as below
output file... (5 Replies)
I wrote a script to give a user 5 guesses on what is my favorite color but I it doesn't work. I've only been scripting for a couple weeks and need some help it seems simple but how do I give the user 5 guesses? (3 Replies)
I am converting a text file to ps using enscript.
Does anyone know how to print in color?
Here is what I tried:
enscript -ptemp.ps -G -F Souvenir-DemiItalic20 -f Souvenir-DemiItalic20 -E --color file.txt
The color doesn't work
Thanks (5 Replies)
i want to print the text in different color using perl script.
i am able to print on console(terminal).
but if i try to print the same into a file, i am not able to do
use Term::ANSIColor;
print "This text is normal.\n";
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);... (3 Replies)
I am using latest ZSH and I have setopt prompt_subst
I have a global hash array variable which contains some color definitions with color names as keys and 256-color ANSI codes (with %{ and %}) as values, eg %{\ePS1="$FG Hello World (%M) > "
PS1=$'$FG Hello World (%M) > '
then it... (3 Replies)
Dear all,
I am using following function of some script to assign variable "JobNo" some value form file $SAMPLE"_status.log" ( generated using the red color command )
crab ntuplize_crab -status -c $SAMPLE >& $SAMPLE"_status.log" &
echo $SAMPLE"_status.log" "====="
jobNo=$(awk... (10 Replies)
i have below code which i am running and the out i want should be in red color
echo "<html>" >> ERROR_FILE.html
echo "<Body>" >> ERROR_FILE.html
nawk 'BEGIN{print "<table border="1">"}
{print "<tr>";
print "<TD colspan="0" bgcolor="#DC143C">";
for(i=1;i<NF;i++)... (5 Replies)
This is supposed to colorize.
But it outputs this
echo -e "${GREEN}File exists.${RESET}"
echo -e "${RED}File does NOT exist.${RESET}"
fi (18 Replies)