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pcap_free_datalinks(3pcap) [osf1 man page]


pcap_list_datalinks, pcap_free_datalinks - get a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list SYNOPSIS
#include <pcap/pcap.h> int pcap_list_datalinks(pcap_t *p, int **dlt_buf); void pcap_free_datalinks(int *dlt_list); DESCRIPTION
pcap_list_datalinks() is used to get a list of the supported link-layer header types of the interface associated with the pcap descriptor. pcap_list_datalinks() allocates an array to hold the list and sets *dlt_buf to point to that array. The caller is responsible for freeing the array with pcap_free_datalinks(), which frees the list of link-layer header types pointed to by dlt_list. RETURN VALUE
pcap_list_datalinks() returns the number of link-layer header types in the array on success and -1 on failure. If -1 is returned, pcap_geterr() or pcap_perror() may be called with p as an argument to fetch or display the error text. SEE ALSO
pcap(3PCAP), pcap_geterr(3PCAP), pcap_datalink_val_to_name(3PCAP), pcap-linktype(7) 22 August 2010 PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS(3PCAP)

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pcap_list_datalinks, pcap_free_datalinks - get a list of link-layer header types supported by a capture device, and free that list SYNOPSIS
#include <pcap/pcap.h> int pcap_list_datalinks(pcap_t *p, int **dlt_buf); void pcap_free_datalinks(int *dlt_list); DESCRIPTION
pcap_list_datalinks() is used to get a list of the supported link-layer header types of the interface associated with the pcap descriptor. pcap_list_datalinks() allocates an array to hold the list and sets *dlt_buf to point to that array. The caller is responsible for freeing the array with pcap_free_datalinks(), which frees the list of link-layer header types pointed to by dlt_list. RETURN VALUE
pcap_list_datalinks() returns the number of link-layer header types in the array on success and -1 on failure. If -1 is returned, pcap_geterr() or pcap_perror() may be called with p as an argument to fetch or display the error text. SEE ALSO
pcap(3PCAP), pcap_geterr(3PCAP), pcap_datalink_val_to_name(3PCAP), pcap-linktype(7) 22 August 2010 PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS(3PCAP)
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