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dxmsvnmapposition(3x) [osf1 man page]

DXmSvnMapPosition(3X)													     DXmSvnMapPosition(3X)

DXmSvnMapPosition - Associates the x and y position with an entry number. SYNOPSIS
void DXmSvnMapPosition( Widget widget, int x, int y, int *entry, int *comp_number, XtPointer *tag ); PARAMETERS
The identifier (widget ID) of the SVN widget. An integer that represents the x position within the widget's window where the mouse button was pressed or released. An integer that represents the y position within the widget's window where the mouse button was pressed or released. A pointer to the entry number. A pointer to the component number within the entry. If the component number is not needed, a Null pointer may be passed. A pointer to the application's tag associated with the entry. If the tag value is not required by the appli- cation, a Null pointer may be passed. DESCRIPTION
The DXmSvnMapPosition routine uses a supplied x and y coordinate to determine which entry the user was positioned over when the mouse but- ton was pressed or released. DXmSvnMapPosition(3X)

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DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap(3X)											      DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap(3X)

DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap - Adds a pixmap component to an entry. SYNOPSIS
void DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap( Widget widget, int entry, int comp_number, int x, int y, Pixmap pixmap, int width, int height ); PARAMETERS
The identifier (widget ID) of the SVN widget. An integer that represents the number of the entry that this component belongs to. An inte- ger that represents the component number within the entry. An integer that represents the x offset within the entry where this component should be placed. An integer that represents the y offset within the entry where this component should be placed. (Note that if you want the SVN widget to automatically create a layout of the entry for you, set the value of this parameter to 0.) The Pixmap value. An integer that represents the width specified when the pixmap was created. An integer that represents the height specified when the pixmap was cre- ated. DESCRIPTION
The DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap routine sets a component of an entry to be a pixmap. Make this call in your application between calls to DXmSvnDisableDisplay and DXmSvnEnableDisplay. If your application passes 0 for the value of the y offset, the SVN widget will automati- cally create a layout of the entry. DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap(3X)
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