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wchgat(3) [osf1 man page]

curs_chgat(3)						     Library Functions Manual						     curs_chgat(3)

curs_chgat, chgat, wchgat, mvchgat, mvwchgat - Change renditions of characters in a Curses window SYNOPSIS
#include <curses.h> int chgat( int n, attr_t attr, short color_pair, const void *opts ); int wchgat( WINDOW *win, int n, attr_t attr, short color_pair, const void *opts ); int mvchgat( int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color_pair, const void *opts ); int mvwchgat( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color_pair, const void *opts ); LIBRARY
Curses Library (libcurses) STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: chgat, wchgat, mvchgat, mvwchgat: XCURSES4.2 Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
These functions change the renditions of the next n characters in the current or specified window (or of the remaining characters on the line if n is -1), starting at the current or specified cursor position. The attributes and colors are specified by attr and color_pair as in setcchar. These functions do not update the cursor and do not perform wrapping. A value of n that is greater than the remaining characters on a line is not an error. The opts argument is reserved for future use. Currently, the application must provide a null pointer as opts. NOTES
The header file <curses.h> automatically includes the header file <stdio.h>. Note that chgat, mvchgat, and mvwchgat may be macros. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions return OK. Otherwise, they return ERR. SEE ALSO
Functions: curses(3), curs_getcchar(3) Others: standards(5) curs_chgat(3)

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chgat(3XCURSES) 					  X/Open Curses Library Functions					   chgat(3XCURSES)

chgat, mvchgat, mvwchgat, wchgat - change the rendition of characters in a window SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -I /usr/xpg4/include -L /usr/xpg4/lib -R /usr/xpg4/lib -lcurses [ library... ] c89 [ flag... ] file... -lcurses [ library... ] #include <curses.h> int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); int mvwchgat(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); int wchgat(WINDOW *win, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); DESCRIPTION
These functions change the renditions of the next n characters in the current or specified window (or of the remaining characters on the current or specified line, if n is -1), beginning at the current or specified cursor position. The attributes and colors are specified by attr and color as for setcchar(3XCURSES). These function neither update the cursor nor perform wrapping. A value of n that is greater than the remaining characters on a line is not an error. The opts argument is reserved for definition in a future release. Currently, the application must provide a null pointer for opts. PARAMETERS
n Is the number of characters whose rendition is to be changed. attr Is the set of attributes to be assigned to the characters. color Is the new color pair to be assigned to the characters. opts Is reserved for future use. Currently, this must be a null pointer. y Is the y (row) coordinate of the starting position in the window. x Is the x (column) coordinate of the starting position in the window. changed in the window. win Is a pointer to the window in which the rendition of characters is to be changed. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions returned OK. Otherwise, they return ERR. ERRORS
No errors are defined. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
bkgrnd(3XCURSES), libcurses(3XCURSES), setcchar(3XCURSES), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.11 5 Jun 2002 chgat(3XCURSES)
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