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tis_read_trylock(3) [osf1 man page]

tis_read_trylock(3)					     Library Functions Manual					       tis_read_trylock(3)

tis_read_trylock - Attempts to acquire a read-write lock for read access. Does not wait if the lock cannot be immediately granted. LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <tis.h> int tis_read_trylock( tis_rwlock_t *lock); STANDARDS
Address of the read-write lock to be acquired. DESCRIPTION
This routine attempts to acquire a read-write lock for read access. If the lock cannot be granted, the routine returns without waiting. When a thread calls this routine, an attempt is made to immediately acquire the lock for read access. If the lock is acquired, zero (0) is returned. If a holder of the lock for write access exists, [EBUSY] is returned. If the lock cannot be acquired for read access immediately, the calling program does not wait for the lock to be released. RETURN VALUES
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Successful completion; the lock was acquired. The lock is being held for write access. The lock for read access was not acquired. ERRORS
Functions: tis_read_lock(3), tis_read_unlock(3), tis_rwlock_destroy(3), tis_rwlock_init(3), tis_write_lock(3), tis_write_trylock(3), tis_write_unlock(3) Manuals: Guide to DECthreads and Programmer's Guide delim off tis_read_trylock(3)

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tis_write_unlock(3)					     Library Functions Manual					       tis_write_unlock(3)

tis_write_unlock - Unlocks the specified read-write lock that was acquired for write access. LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <tis.h> int tis_write_unlock( tis_rwlock_t *lock); STANDARDS
Address of the read-write lock to be unlocked. DESCRIPTION
This routine unlocks a read-write lock that was acquired for write access. Upon completion of this routine, any thread waiting to acquire the lock for read access will have those acquisitions granted. If no threads are waiting to acquire the lock for read access, then a thread waiting to acquire it for write access will have that acquisition granted. RETURN VALUES
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Successful completion. The value specified by *lock is invalid. ERRORS
Functions: tis_read_lock(3), tis_read_trylock(3), tis_read_unlock(3), tis_rwlock_init(3), tis_rwlock_destroy(3), tis_write_lock(3), tis_write_trylock(3) Manuals: Guide to DECthreads and Programmer's Guide delim off tis_write_unlock(3)
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