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t_snd(3) [osf1 man page]

t_snd(3)						     Library Functions Manual							  t_snd(3)

t_snd - Sends normal data or expedited data over a connection LIBRARY
XTI Library (libxti.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <xti.h> int t_snd( int fd, char *buf, unsigned nbytes, int flags) ; STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: t_snd(): XNS4.0 Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. PARAMETERS
The following table summarizes the relevance of input and output parameters before and after t_snd() is called: Parameters Before Call After Call -------------------------------------- fd y n buf y(y) n nbytes y n flags y n Notes to Table: y This is a meaningful parameter. n This is not a meaningful parameter. (y) The content of the object pointed to by y is meaningful. fd Specifies a file descriptor returned by the t_open() function that identifies the local transport endpoint where an active connec- tion exists. buf Points to the data buffer from which data is to be sent. nbytes Specifies the length in bytes of the send data buffer contents pointed to by the buf parameter. flags Points to an integer whose bits specify certain optional information. Corresponding values and symbolic names for these flag bits are defined in the xti.h include file. Flags specified by this function are: Symbolic Name Meaning T_MORE When set, this bit notifies the transport provider that sent data is a fragment of a Transport Service Data Unit (TSDU) or Expedited Transport Service Data Unit (ETSDU), and that more data will be sent on the same TSDU or ETSDU via the t_snd() function. The rest of the TSDU or ETSDU can be sent through further t_snd() function calls. Each time the T_MORE flag is set, another t_snd() call follows so that additional parts of the TSDUs or ETSDUs can be sent. When the final piece is sent, this flag bit is set to a value of 0 (zero). When the transport provider does not support TSDU or ETSDU data exchanges (refer to the t_open() and t_getinfo() functions) the state of this flag bit is meaningless. Sending a zero-length fragment of a TSDU or ETSDU is only permitted where this is used to indicate the end of a TSDU or ETSDU, that is, when the T_MORE flag is not set. Some transport providers also forbid zero-length TSDUs and ETS- DUs. T_EXPEDITED When set, this bit notifies the transport provider that expedited data is sent. When the value of ETSDU data exceeds the value specified by nbytes parameter, this flag bit and the T_MORE flag bit should be set prior to the initial t_snd() call. Subsequent t_snd() calls used to send pieces of ETSDU must have both these flag bits set. When the final ETSDU is sent, the T_MORE flag bit is set to a value of 0 (zero). VALID STATES
The t_snd() function can be called only in the T_DATAXFER and T_INREL transport provider states. DESCRIPTION
The t_snd() function is an XTI connection-oriented service function that is used to send normal or expedited data. The transport endpoint through which normal Transport Service Data Unit (TSDU) data or special Expedited TSDU (ETSDU) data is sent is specified by a file descrip- tor previously returned by the t_open() function. The size of each TSDU or ETSDU must not exceed the size limits specified by info->tsdu or info->etsdu, respectively, returned by the t_open() or t_getinfo() functions. Failure to comply with specified size constraints results in return of a [TSYSERR] protocol error. By default, the t_snd() function executes in the synchronous operating mode. In the synchronous operating mode t_snd() waits for data to be accepted by the transport provider, before returning control to the calling transport user. When the transport endpoint specified by the file descriptor has been opened with the O_NONBLOCK flag set in the t_open() or fcntl() func- tion, the t_snd() function executes in asynchronous mode. When data cannot be immediately accepted because flow control restrictions apply, control is immediately returned to the caller. When the t_snd() function executes successfully, the number of bytes accepted by the transport provider is returned. It is possible that only part of the data may be accepted by a transport provider. When only partial data is accepted, the returned value is less than the num- ber of bytes sent. If the nbytes parameter is specified as 0 (zero), and the underlying transport service does not support the sending of 0 octets, t_errno is set to [TBADDATA] and -1 is returned. NOTES
In asynchronous mode, when the number of bytes accepted by the transport provider is less than the number of bytes sent, the transport provider may be blocked because of flow-control restrictions. The transport provider treats all users of a transport endpoint as a single user. Therefore, if several processes issue concurrent t_snd() calls, then the different data may be intermixed. Multiple sends which exceed the maximum TSDU or ERSDU size may not be discovered by XTI. In this case, an implementation-dependent error will result, which may take the form of a connection abort, or a [TSYSERR], [TBADDATA], or a [TPROTO] error. If XTI detects multiple sends that exceed the maximum TSDU or ETSDU size, t_snd() fails with the error [TBADDATA]. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the t_snd() function returns the number of bytes of data accepted by the transport provider. Otherwise, -1 is returned and t_errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If the t_snd(|) function fails, t_errno may be set to one of the following values: [TBADF] File descriptor fd does not refer to a valid transport endpoint. [TBADDATA] Illegal amount of data: A single send was attempted specifying a TSDU or ETSDU, or a fragment TSDU or ETSDU, greater than that specified by the current values of the TSDU or ETSDU fields in the info argument. A send of a zero-byte TSDU or ETSDU, or a zero-byte fragment of a TSDU or ETSDU, is not supported by the provider. Multiple sends were attempted, which resulted in a TSDU or ETSDU larger than that specified by the current values of the TSDU or ETSDU fields in the info argument. The ability to detect this error is implementation dependent. [TBADFLAG] An invalid flags value was specified. [TFLOW] Asynchronous mode is indicated because O_NONBLOCK was set, but no data can currently be accepted by the transport provider because of flow-control restrictions. [TLOOK] An asynchronous event occurred on this transport endpoint. [TOUTSTATE] The t_snd() function was issued in the wrong sequence on the transport endpoint referenced by the fd parameter. [TSYSERR] A system error occurred during execution of the t_snd() function. A protocol error may not cause t_snd() to fail until a subse- quent access of the transport endpoint is made. [TNOTSUPPORT] This function is not supported by the underlying transport provider. [TPROTO] This error indicates that a communication problem has been detected between XTI and the transport provider for which there is no other suitable XTI(t_errno). RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: fcntl(2), t_getinfo(3), t_look(3), t_open(3), t_optmgmt(3), t_rcv(3) delim off t_snd(3)
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