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sia_getgroup(3) [osf1 man page]

sia_getpasswd(3)					     Library Functions Manual						  sia_getpasswd(3)

sia_getpasswd, sia_getgroup - interface to the getpw* and getgr* routines for SIA (Security Integration Architecture) LIBRARY
Standard C library ( and libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sia.h> #include <siad.h> int sia_getpasswd( int function, int reentrant, union sia_get_params *params); int sia_getgroup( int function, int reentrant, union sia_get_params *params); PARAMETERS
function The function parameter is a subfunction selection code as defined by P_SET in the siad.h file. reentrant The reentrant parameter is a flag which is either REENTRANT (1) or NON_REENTRANT (0). NON_REENTRANT indicates that the result and buffer pointers passed in the params arguments will be returned pointing to static data. REENTRANT indicates that result and buffer are used as passed (caller provided storage). params The sia_get_params is defined as follows: typedef struct { char *name; gid_t gid; struct group *result; char *buffer; int len; int pkgind; } group_params; typedef struct { char *name; uid_t uid; struct passwd *result; char *buffer; int len; int pkgind; } passwd_params; union sia_get_params { group_params group; passwd_params passwd; }; DESCRIPTION
The sia_getpasswd() routine provides thread locking for the libc_r routines (-D_THREAD_SAFE), provides static storage for non reentrant getpw* routines, and calls the appropriate siad_getpw* routine. This routine is called by getpwnam(), getpwnam_r(), getpwuid(), getp- wuid_r(), getpwent(), and getpwent_r(). The sia_getgroup() routine provides thread locking for libc_r routines (-D_THREAD_SAFE), provide static storage for non reentrant getgr* routines, and calls the appropriate siad_getgr* routine. This routine is called by getgrnam(), getgrnam_r(), getgrgid(), getgrgid_r(), getgrent(), and getgrent_r(). RETURN VALUES
The sia_getgroup() and sia_getpasswd() routines return either SIASUCCESS or SIAFAIL. ERRORS
The errno value is not (normally) set explicitly by sia_* routines. The errno values are those returned from the dynamic loader interface, from dependent (siad_*) routines, or from malloc. Possible errors include resource constraints (no memory) and various authentication failures. FILES
/etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/sia/matrix.conf RELATED INFORMATION
getgrent(3), getpwent(3), matrix.conf(4) Security delim off sia_getpasswd(3)

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siad_getgrent(3)					     Library Functions Manual						  siad_getgrent(3)

siad_getgrent, siad_getgrgid, siad_getgrnam, siad_setgrent, siad_endgrent - group routines for SIA (Security Integration Architecture) LIBRARY
Standard C library ( and libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sia.h> #include <siad.h> int siad_getgrent( struct group *result, char *buffer, int buflen, FILE **context); int siad_getgrgid( gid_t gid, struct group *result, char *buffer, int buflen); int siad_getgrnam( char *name, struct group *result, char *buffer, int buflen); int siad_setgrent( FILE **context); int siad_endgrent( FILE **context); PARAMETERS
result The result parameter is used to provide a result. The actual result string is placed in the buffer provided and result points to the resultant struct group in the buffer. Values in the passwd structure may be changed by the siad_*gr* routines. buffer The buffer parameter is a pointer to a buffer which holds the resultant struct group. This parameter is read only. buflen The buflen parameter is the length of the buffer in chars. This parameter are read only. gid The gid parameter is the group identifier (GID) for the request. This parameter are read only. name The name parameter specifies the group name for the request. This parameter are read only. context A pointer to the location that records which I/O stream is to be used. DESCRIPTION
siad_getgrent() The siad_getgrent routine is called indirectly (by the sia_switch function) from the sia_getgroup() routine which is called from the libc and libc_r routines getgrent() and getgrent_r() respectively. The buffer for the group information is preallocated and a thread lock has been taken in the thread safe mode. siad_getgrgid() This routine is called indirectly (by the sia_switch function) from the sia_getgroup() routine which is called from the libc and libc_r routines getgrgid and getgrgid_r respectively. The buffer for the group information is preallocated and a thread lock has been taken in the thread safe mode. siad_getgrnam() This routine is called indirectly (by the sia_switch function) from the sia_getgroup() routine which is called from the libc and libc_r routines getgrnam and getgrnam_r respectively. The buffer for the group information is preallocated and a thread lock has been taken in the thread safe mode. siad_setgrent() This routine is called by the sia_getgroup() routine to start or initialize a series of getgrent calls. siad_endgrent() This routine is called to close or complete the processing of a getgrent() series of calls. RETURN VALUES
The siad_*gr*() routines return bitmapped values which indicate the following status: SIADSUCCESS Indicates unconditional success. All bits set to 0. SIADFAIL Indicates conditional failure. Lowest bit set to 1. If other security mechanism are in place, continue. SIADSTOP Indicates unconditional failure. Do not continue. Second lowest bit set to 1. ERRORS
The errno values are those returned from the dynamic loader interface, from the (siad_*) routines, or from malloc. Possible errors include resource constraints (no memory) and various authentication failures. FILES
/etc/group /etc/sia/matrix.conf RELATED INFORMATION
sia_getgroup(3), matrix.conf(4) Security delim off siad_getgrent(3)
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