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re_comp(3) [osf1 man page]

re_comp(3)						     Library Functions Manual							re_comp(3)

re_comp, re_exec - Handle regular expressions LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <regex.h> char *re_comp( char *string); int re_exec( char *string); STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: re_comp(), re_exec(): XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. PARAMETERS
Points to the string that is to be matched or converted. DESCRIPTION
The re_comp() function converts a string into an internal form suitable for pattern matching. The re_exec() function compares the string pointed to by the string parameter with the last string passed to the re_comp() function. When the re_comp() function is passed a value of 0 (zero) or NULL, the regular expression currently being converted remains unchanged. Strings passed to both the re_comp() and re_exec() functions may have trailing or embedded newline characters; however, these strings are terminated by a zero byte. The re_comp() and re_exec() functions support simple regular expressions, which are defined in the grep(1) reference page. NOTES
The re_comp() and re_exec() interfaces are scheduled to be withdrawn from a future version of the X/Open CAE Specification. These interfaces are obsolete; they are guaranteed to function properly only in the C/POSIX locale and should be avoided. Use the POSIX regcomp() interface in place of re_comp() and re_exec(). RETURN VALUES
The re_comp() function returns a value of 0 (zero) when the string pointed to by the string parameter is successfully converted; otherwise, an error message string is returned. Upon successful completion, the re_exec() function returns a value of 1 if string matches the last compiled regular expression. Otherwise, the re_exec() function returns a value of 0 (zero), if string fails to match the last compiled regular expression, and a value of -1, if the compiled regular expression is invalid (indicating an internal error). RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: regcomp(3) Commands: grep(1) Standards: standards(5) delim off re_comp(3)

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re_comp(3C)						   Standard C Library Functions 					       re_comp(3C)

re_comp, re_exec - compile and execute regular expressions SYNOPSIS
#include <re_comp.h> char *re_comp(const char *string); int re_exec(const char *string); DESCRIPTION
The re_comp() function converts a regular expression string (RE) into an internal form suitable for pattern matching. The re_exec() func- tion compares the string pointed to by the string argument with the last regular expression passed to re_comp(). If re_comp() is called with a null pointer argument, the current regular expression remains unchanged. Strings passed to both re_comp() and re_exec() must be terminated by a null byte, and may include NEWLINE characters. The re_comp() and re_exec() functions support simple regular expressions, which are defined on the regexp(5) manual page. The regular expressions of the form {m}, {m,}, or {m,n} are not supported. RETURN VALUES
The re_comp() function returns a null pointer when the string pointed to by the string argument is successfully converted. Otherwise, a pointer to one of the following error message strings is returned: No previous regular expression Regular expression too long unmatched ( missing ] too many () pairs unmatched ) Upon successful completion, re_exec() returns 1 if string matches the last compiled regular expression. Otherwise, re_exec() returns 0 if string fails to match the last compiled regular expression, and -1 if the compiled regular expression is invalid (indicating an internal error). ERRORS
No errors are defined. USAGE
For portability to implementations conforming to X/Open standards prior to SUS, regcomp(3C) and regexec(3C) are preferred to these func- tions. See standards(5). SEE ALSO
grep(1), regcmp(1), regcmp(3C), regcomp(3C), regexec(3C), regexpr(3GEN), regexp(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 26 Feb 1997 re_comp(3C)
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