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radaddset(3) [osf1 man page]

radsetops(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      radsetops(3)

radsetops, radaddset, radandset, radcopyset, radcountset, raddelset, raddiffset, rademptyset, radfillset, radisemptyset, radismember, radorset, radsetcreate, radsetdestroy, radxorset - Perform operations on a set of Resource Affinity Domains (libnuma library) SYNOPSIS
#include <radset.h> int radaddset( radset_t set, radid_t radid ); int radandset( radset_t set_src1, radset_t set_src2, radset_t set_dst ); int radcopyset( radset_t set_src, radset_t set_dst ); int radcountset( radset_t set ); int raddelset( radset_t set, radid_t radid ); int raddiffset( radset_t set_src1, radset_t set_src2, radset_t set_dst ); int rademptyset( radset_t set ); int radfillset( radset_t set ); int radisemptyset( radset_t set ); int radismember( radset_t set, radid_t radid ); int radorset( radset_t set_src1, radset_t set_src2, radset_t set_dst ); int radsetcreate( radset_t *set ); int radsetdestroy( radset_t *set ); int radxorset( radset_t set_src1, radset_t set_src2, radset_t set_dst ); PARAMETERS
Identifies the RAD for which the function is requesting information or on which the function operates. Specifies or points to a set of Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) on which the function operates. Specifies, depending on the function, one of the following: A source RAD set that the function copies to a destination RAD set One of two RAD sets for which the function will find a logical difference One of two RAD sets on which the function will perform a logical AND, OR, or XOR operation Specifies the destination RAD set where the function stores the results of the logical operation it performs. DESCRIPTION
The radsetops primitives manipulate a specified set of Resource Affinity Domains (RADs). These functions operate on data objects (of type radset_t) that are created by calls to radsetcreate(). The radsetcreate() function allocates, and sets to empty, the specified RAD set. The radsetdestroy() function releases the RAD set memory allocated by radsetcreate(). The radfillset() function initializes the specified RAD set, such that all RADs that are currently configured in the caller's partition are included in that set. The radcountset() function returns the number of members in the specified RAD set. The rademptyset() function reinitializes the specified RAD set, such that no RADs are included in that set. The radisemptyset() function tests whether the specified RAD set is empty. The radismember() function tests whether the specified RAD is a member of the specified RAD set. The radaddset() and raddelset() functions respectively add or delete the specified RAD from the specified RAD set. The raddiffset() function finds the logical difference between the RAD sets specified by the arguments set_src1 and set_src2 and stores the result in the RAD set specified by set_dst. (The result is made up of those members included in set_src1 but not in set_src2.) The radandset(), radorset(), and radxorset()functions respectively perform a logical AND, OR, or XOR operation on the RAD sets specified by the arguments set_src1 and set_src2, storing the result in the RAD set specified by set_dst. RETURN VALUES
The radisemptyset() and radismember() functions return the following values: Success (True). Success (False). Failure. In this case, errno is set to indicate the type of error. The remaining functions return the following values: Success. Failure. In this case, errno is set to indicate the type of error. ERRORS
If the radcountset(), rademptyset(), radfillset(), radisemptyset(), radorset(), radxorset(), radandset(), raddiffset(), and radcopyset() functions fail, they set errno to the following value for the specified condition specified: The specified RAD set is invalid, possibly not created by radsetcreate(). If the radsetcreate() and radsetdestroy() functions fail, they set errno to one of the following values for the condition specified: The set argument points to an invalid address. (radsetcreate() only) No memory could be allocated for the RAD set. If the radaddset(), raddelset(), and radismember() functions fail, they set errno to one of the following values for the condition speci- fied: The specified RAD set is invalid, possibly not created by radsetcreate(). The value of radid is an invalid or unsupported RAD iden- tifier. EXAMPLES
The following example demonstrates various operations on RAD sets: #include <radset.h> int main() { radset_t radset, radset2; /* Create radsets - initialized as empty */ radsetcreate(&radset); radsetcreate(&radset2); /* demonstrate radset operations */ /* add rad 0 to radset */ if (radaddset(radset, 0) == -1) { perror("radaddset"); return 0; } /* copy radset to radset2 */ if (radcopyset(radset, radset2) == -1) { perror("radcopyset"); return 0; } /* add rad 1 to radset */ if (radaddset(radset, 1) == -1) { perror("radaddset"); return 0; } /* store the difference of radset and radset2 in radset */ if (raddiffset(radset, radset2, radset) == -1) { perror("raddiffset"); return 0; } /* Enumerate radset. */ while (1) { radid_t id; int flags = SET_CURSOR_CONSUME; rad_cursor_t rad_cursor = SET_CURSOR_INIT; id = rad_foreach(radset, flags, &rad_cursor); if (id == RAD_NONE) { printf(" "); break; } else { printf("%3d ", id); } } /* Destroy radset and radset2*/ radsetdestroy(&radset); radsetdestroy(&radset2); return 0; } SEE ALSO
Functions: numa_intro(3), rad_foreach(3) Files: numa_types(4) radsetops(3)
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