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putlong(3) [osf1 man page]

putlong(3)						     Library Functions Manual							putlong(3)

putlong - Places long byte quantities into the byte stream LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/nameser.h> #include <resolv.h> void putlong ( unsigned int long_arg, u_char *message_ptr ); PARAMETERS
Represents a 32-bit integer. Represents a pointer into the byte stream. DESCRIPTION
The putlong() function places long byte quantities into the byte stream or arbitrary byte boundaries. The putlong() function is one of a set of subroutines that form the resolver, a set of functions that resolve domain names. Global infor- mation that is used by the resolver functions is kept in the _res data structure. The /include/resolv.h file contains the _res data structure definition. FILES
Lists the name server and domain name. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: dn_comp(3), dn_expand(3), dn_find(3), dn_skipname(3), _getlong(3), _getshort(3), putshort(3), res_init(3), res_mkquery(3), res_send(3). delim off putlong(3)

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res_init(3)						     Library Functions Manual						       res_init(3)

res_init - Searches for a default domain name and Internet address LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc.a, SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/nameser.h> #include <resolv.h> void res_init ( void ); DESCRIPTION
The res_init() function reads the /etc/resolv.conf file for the default domain name and the Internet address of the initial hosts running the name server, even if the name server is not functioning. The res_init() function is one of a set of subroutines that form the resolver, a set of functions that resolve domain names. All resolver functions use the /usr/include/resolv.h header file, which defines the _res data structure. The res_init() function stores domain name information in the _res data structure. NOTES
If the /etc/resolv.conf file does not exist, the res_init() function attempts name resolution using the local /etc/hosts file. If the sys- tem is not using a domain name server, the /etc/resolv.conf file should not exist. The /etc/host file should be present on the system even if the system is using a name server. In this instance, the file should contain the host IDs that the system requires to function even if the name server is not functioning. FILES
Contains the name server and domain name. Contains hostnames and their addresses for hosts in a network. This file is used to resolve a hostname into an Internet address. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: dn_comp(3), dn_expand(3), dn_find(3), dn_skipname(3), _getlong(3), _getshort(3), putlong(3), putshort(3), res_mkquery(3), res_query(3), res_search(3), res_send(3). delim off res_init(3)
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