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pthread_exc_matches_np(3) [osf1 man page]

pthread_exc_matches_np(3)				     Library Functions Manual					 pthread_exc_matches_np(3)

pthread_exc_matches_np - (Macro) Determines whether two DECthreads exception objects are identical. LIBRARY
DECthreads POSIX 1003.1c Library ( SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread_exception.h> int pthread_exc_matches_np( EXCEPTION *exception1, EXCEPTION *exception2); STANDARDS
DECthreads exception object. DECthreads exception object. DESCRIPTION
This routine compares two DECthreads exception objects, taking into consideration whether each is an address exception or status exception. This routine returns either the C language value TRUE or the C language value FALSE, indicating whether the two DECthreads exception objects specified in the arguments exception1 and exception2 are identical. RETURN VALUES
The C language value TRUE if the exception objects are identical, or the C language value FALSE if not. ERRORS
Functions: pthread_exc_get_status_np(3), pthread_exc_report_np(3), pthread_exc_set_status_np(3) Manuals: Guide to DECthreads and Programmer's Guide delim off pthread_exc_matches_np(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

pthread_exc_set_status_np(3)				     Library Functions Manual				      pthread_exc_set_status_np(3)

pthread_exc_set_status_np - (Macro) Imports a system-defined error status into a DECthreads address exception object. LIBRARY
DECthreads POSIX 1003.1c Library ( SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread_exception.h> void pthread_exc_set_status_np( EXCEPTION *exception, unsigned long code); STANDARDS
DECthreads address exception object into which the specified status code is imported. System-specific status code to be imported. DESCRIPTION
This routine associates a system-specific status value with the specified DECthreads address exception object. This transforms the address exception object into a DECthreads status exception object. The exception argument must already have been initialized with the DECthreads exception package's EXCEPTION_INIT macro. Use this routine to associate any system-specific status value with the specified DECthreads address exception object. Note that any exception objects set to the same status value are considered equivalent by DECthreads. RETURN VALUES
Functions: pthread_exc_get_status_np(3) Manuals: Guide to DECthreads and Programmer's Guide delim off pthread_exc_set_status_np(3)
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