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nsg_destroy(3) [osf1 man page]

nsg_destroy(3)						     Library Functions Manual						    nsg_destroy(3)

nsg_destroy - Destroys a NUMA Scheduling Group (libnuma library) SYNOPSIS
#include <numa.h> int nsg_destroy( nsgid_t nsg ); PARAMETERS
Specifies the NUMA Scheduling Group (NSG). DESCRIPTION
Remove the NSG identified by nsg and deallocate associated structures. If the NSG is currently non-empty, existing members are removed before deleting the NSG. RESTRICTIONS
The effective user ID of the calling process must be equal to the value of nsg_perm.cuid or nsg_perm.uid in the associated nsgid_ds struc- ture, or the calling process must have write permissions to the NSG. RETURN VALUES
Success. In this case, the NSG was successfully destroyed. Failure. The NSG was not destroyed and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If the nsg_destroy() function fails, it sets errno to one of the following values for the specified condition: The calling process does not have write permission. The nsg argument does not specify a valid NSG ID. SEE ALSO
Functions: nsg_attach_pid(3), nsg_init(3), numa_intro(3) Files: numa_types(4) nsg_destroy(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

nsg_set(3)						     Library Functions Manual							nsg_set(3)

nsg_set - Set NUMA Scheduling Group owner and permissions (libnuma library) SYNOPSIS
#include <numa.h> int nsg_set( nsgid_t nsg, nsgid_ds_t *attrib ); PARAMETERS
Specifies the NUMA Scheduling Group (NSG). Points to a structure containing owner and permission attributes. DESCRIPTION
The nsg_set() function sets the NSG owner IDs (user ID and group ID) and permissions (mode) by using the nsgid_ds structure pointed to by attrib. RESTRICTIONS
The effective user ID of the calling process must be equal to the value of nsg_perm.cuid or nsg_perm.uid in the associated nsgid_ds struc- ture, or the calling process must have write permissions to the NSG. RETURN VALUES
Success. In this case, nsg_set() set the NSG owner IDs and permissions as specified. Failure. In this case, errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If the nsg_set() function fails, it sets errno to one of the following values for the specified condition: The calling process does not have write permission. The attrib argument specifies an invalid address. The nsg argument does not specify a valid NSG ID. SEE ALSO
Functions: nsg_attach_pid(3), nsg_init(3), numa_intro(3) Files: numa_types(4) nsg_set(3)
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