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mq_close(3) [osf1 man page]

mq_close(3)						     Library Functions Manual						       mq_close(3)

mq_close - Closes a message queue (P1003.1b) LIBRARY
Realtime Library (, librt.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <mqueue.h> int mq_close ( mqd_t mqdes); PARAMETERS
mqdes Specifies a message queue descriptor. DESCRIPTION
The mq_close function closes a message queue. This function removes the association between the message queue descriptor, mqdes, and its open message queue description. When all message queue descriptors associated with an open message queue description have been closed, the associated open message queue description is removed. The message associated with the message queue will then be deleted if mq_unlink was already called, or is called after all processes have closed the queue. RETURN VALUES
On successful completion, the function returns the value 0 (zero); otherwise, the function returns the value -1 and sets errno to indicate the error. ERRORS
The mq_close function fails under the following conditions: [EBADF] The mqdes argument is an invalid message queue descriptor. [EFAULT] An internal virtual memory error occurred. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: mq_open(3), mq_unlink(3) Guide to Realtime Programming delim off mq_close(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

mq_close(2)							System Calls Manual						       mq_close(2)

mq_close - close a message queue descriptor SYNOPSIS
The system call removes the association between the message queue descriptor, mqdes, and a message queue. Use of this message queue descriptor by the process, after a successful return from this and until this descriptor is returned by a subsequent will result in the failure of message queue system calls, with set to If the process has a registered notification request with the message queue associated with this mqdes, the registration is canceled and the queue becomes available for another process to register a notification request. If the message queue has been unlinked and mqdes is the only existing open descriptor for the queue, the queue is destroyed. To use this function, link in the realtime library by specifying on the compiler or linker command line. RETURN VALUE
returns the following values: Successful completion. Failure. is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If fails, is set to one of the following values: mqdes is not a valid message queue descriptor. is not supported by the implementation. SEE ALSO
mq_open(2), mq_unlink(2), mq_notify(2). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
Man Page

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