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keyboard_keypressed(3) [osf1 man page]

keyboard_keypressed(3)						Svgalib User Manual					    keyboard_keypressed(3)

keyboard_keypressed - check if a key is pressed when in raw keyboard mode SYNOPSIS
#include <vgakeyboard.h> int keyboard_keypressed(int scancode); DESCRIPTION
When in raw keyboard mode this routine checks if the key with scancode is pressed and returns KEY_PRESSED or KEY_NOTPRESSED accordingly. Actually KEY_PRESSED is 1 and KEY_NOTPRESSED is 0, s.t. you can use constructs like: if(keyboard_keypressed(SCANCODE_ENTER)) { /* do something */ } Please note that keyboard events will only be processed when you occasionally call keyboard_update(3) or keyboard_waitforupdate(3). keyboard_translatekeys(3) allows certain remap operations which make certain keys (digits, enter) which might have several physical keys show up under the same scancodes. Here are the supported scancodes. The names of the #defines originate from the US keyboard layout, for other countries, they'll refer to the key in the same physical location, but the keycap will have a different inscription. For the list below, add SCANCODE_ in front of the names to get the right name for your C source. That means, if it lists BACKSLASH below, you shall use SCANCODE_BACKSLASH as symbol in your program. In addition to the names below we also have SCANCODE_0 - SCANCODE_9, SCANCODE_KEYPAD0 - SCANCODE_KEYPAD9, SCANCODE_A - SCANCODE_Z, and SCANCODE_F1 - SCANCODE_F12. The other key names are ESCAPE, MINUS, EQUAL, BACKSPACE, TAB, BRACKET_LEFT, BRACKET_RIGHT, ENTER, LEFTCONTROL, SEMICOLON, APOSTROPHE, GRAVE, LEFTSHIFT, BACKSLASH, COMMA, PERIOD, SLASH, RIGHTSHIFT, KEYPADMULTIPLY, LEFTALT, SPACE, CAPSLOCK, NUMLOCK, SCROLLLOCK, CURSORUPLEFT, CURSORUP, CURSORUPRIGHT, KEYPADMINUS, CURSORLEFT, CURSORRIGHT, KEYPADPLUS, CURSORDOWNLEFT, CURSORDOWN, CURSORDOWNRIGHT, KEYPADPERIOD, LESS, KEYPADENTER, RIGHTCONTROL, CONTROL, KEYPADDIVIDE, PRINTSCREEN, RIGHTALT, BREAK, BREAK_ALTERNATIVE, HOME, CURSORBLOCKUP, PAGEUP, CURSOR- BLOCKLEFT, CURSORBLOCKRIGHT, END, CURSORBLOCKDOWN, PAGEDOWN, INSERT, and REMOVE. SEE ALSO
svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga.config(5), keytest(6), eventtest(6), keyboard_seteventhandler(3), keyboard_init(3), key- board_init_return_fd(3), keyboard_close(3), keyboard_setdefaulteventhandler(3), keyboard_keypressed(3), keyboard_clearstate(3), key- board_translatekeys(3), keyboard_update(3), keyboard_waitforupdate(3), vga_waitevent(3) AUTHOR
This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <>. The exact source of the referenced function as well as of the original documentation is unknown. It is very likely that both are at least to some extent are due to Harm Hanemaayer <>. Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be excused by the original author and will happily accept any additions or corrections to this first version of the svgalib manual. Svgalib (>;= 1.2.11) 29 July 1997 keyboard_keypressed(3)

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keyboard_keypressed(3)						Svgalib User Manual					    keyboard_keypressed(3)

keyboard_keypressed - check if a key is pressed when in raw keyboard mode SYNOPSIS
#include <vgakeyboard.h> int keyboard_keypressed(int scancode); DESCRIPTION
When in raw keyboard mode this routine checks if the key with scancode is pressed and returns KEY_PRESSED or KEY_NOTPRESSED accordingly. Actually KEY_PRESSED is 1 and KEY_NOTPRESSED is 0, s.t. you can use constructs like: if(keyboard_keypressed(SCANCODE_ENTER)) { /* do something */ } Please note that keyboard events will only be processed when you occasionally call keyboard_update(3) or keyboard_waitforupdate(3). keyboard_translatekeys(3) allows certain remap operations which make certain keys (digits, enter) which might have several physical keys show up under the same scancodes. Here are the supported scancodes. The names of the #defines originate from the US keyboard layout, for other countries, they'll refer to the key in the same physical location, but the keycap will have a different inscription. For the list below, add SCANCODE_ in front of the names to get the right name for your C source. That means, if it lists BACKSLASH below, you shall use SCANCODE_BACKSLASH as symbol in your program. In addition to the names below we also have SCANCODE_0 - SCANCODE_9, SCANCODE_KEYPAD0 - SCANCODE_KEYPAD9, SCANCODE_A - SCANCODE_Z, and SCANCODE_F1 - SCANCODE_F12. The other key names are ESCAPE, MINUS, EQUAL, BACKSPACE, TAB, BRACKET_LEFT, BRACKET_RIGHT, ENTER, LEFTCONTROL, SEMICOLON, APOSTROPHE, GRAVE, LEFTSHIFT, BACKSLASH, COMMA, PERIOD, SLASH, RIGHTSHIFT, KEYPADMULTIPLY, LEFTALT, SPACE, CAPSLOCK, NUMLOCK, SCROLLLOCK, CURSORUPLEFT, CURSORUP, CURSORUPRIGHT, KEYPADMINUS, CURSORLEFT, CURSORRIGHT, KEYPADPLUS, CURSORDOWNLEFT, CURSORDOWN, CURSORDOWNRIGHT, KEYPADPERIOD, LESS, KEYPADENTER, RIGHTCONTROL, CONTROL, KEYPADDIVIDE, PRINTSCREEN, RIGHTALT, BREAK, BREAK_ALTERNATIVE, HOME, CURSORBLOCKUP, PAGEUP, CURSOR- BLOCKLEFT, CURSORBLOCKRIGHT, END, CURSORBLOCKDOWN, PAGEDOWN, INSERT, and REMOVE. SEE ALSO
svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga.config(5), keytest(6), eventtest(6), keyboard_seteventhandler(3), keyboard_init(3), key- board_init_return_fd(3), keyboard_close(3), keyboard_setdefaulteventhandler(3), keyboard_keypressed(3), keyboard_clearstate(3), key- board_translatekeys(3), keyboard_update(3), keyboard_waitforupdate(3), vga_waitevent(3) AUTHOR
This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <>. The exact source of the referenced function as well as of the original documentation is unknown. It is very likely that both are at least to some extent are due to Harm Hanemaayer <>. Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be excused by the original author and will happily accept any additions or corrections to this first version of the svgalib manual. Svgalib (>;= 1.2.11) 29 July 1997 keyboard_keypressed(3)
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