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bessel(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 bessel(3)

bessel, j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn - Compute Bessel functions LIBRARY
Math Library (libm.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double j0 (double x); float j0f (float x); long double j0l (long double x); double j1 (double x); float j1f (float x); long double j1l (long double x); double jn (int n, double x); float jnf (int n, float x); long double jnl (int n, long double x); double y0 (dou- ble x); float y0f (float x); long double y0l (long double x); double y1 (double x); float y1f (float x); long double y1l (long double x); double yn (int n, double x); float ynf (int n, float x); long double ynl (int n, long double x); STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: j0(): XPG4 j1(): XPG4 jn(): XPG4 y0(): XPG4 y1(): XPG4 yn(): XPG4 Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The j0(), j0f(), j0l(), j1(), j1f(), and j1l() functions return the value of the Bessel function of the first kind of orders 0 (zero) and 1, respectively. The jn(), jnf(), and jnl() functions return the value of the Bessel function of the first kind of order n. The y0(), y0f(), y0l(), y1(), y1f(), and y1l() functions return the value of the Bessel functions of the second kind of orders 0 (zero) and 1, respectively. The yn(), ynf(), and ynl() functions return the value of the Bessel function of the second kind of order n. The following table describes function behavior in response to exceptional arguments: -------------------------------------------------------------- Function Exceptional Argument Routine Behavior -------------------------------------------------------------- j0(), j1(), jn() None N/A j0f(), j1f(), jnf() None N/A j0l(), j1l(), jnl() None N/A y0(), y1(), yn() x < 0 Invalid argument y0f(), y1f(), ynf() x < 0 Invalid argument y0l(), y1l(), ynl() x < 0 Invalid argument y0(), y1(), yn() x = 0 Overflow y0f(), y1f(), ynf() x = 0 Overflow y0l(), y1l(), ynl() x = 0 Overflow -------------------------------------------------------------- The j1() and jn() functions can result in an underflow as x gets small. The largest value of x for which this occurs is a function of n. The y1() and yn() functions can result in an overflow as x gets small. The largest value of x for which this occurs is a function of n. delim off bessel(3)

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y0(3M)							  Mathematical Library Functions						    y0(3M)

y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the second kind SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lm [ library... ] #include <math.h> double y0(double x); float y0f(float x); long double y0l(long double x); double y1(double x); float y1f(float x); long double y1l(long double x); double yn(int n, double x); float ynf(int n, float x); long double ynl(int n, long double x); DESCRIPTION
These functions compute Bessel functions of x of the second kind of orders 0, 1 and n, respectively. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, these functions return the relevant Bessel value of x of the second kind. If x is NaN, a NaN is returned. If x is negative, -HUGE_VAL or NaN is returned. If x is 0.0, -HUGE_VAL is returned. If the correct result would cause overflow, -HUGE_VAL is returned. For exceptional cases, matherr(3M) tabulates the values to be returned as specified by SVID3 and XPG3. ERRORS
No errors are returned. USAGE
An application wanting to check for exceptions should call feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT) before calling these functions. On return, if fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_OVERFLOW | FE_UNDERFLOW) is non-zero, an exception has been raised. An application should either examine the return value or check the floating point exception flags to detect exceptions. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |See below. | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ The y0(), y1(), and yn() functions are Standard. The y0f(), y0l(), y1f(), y1l(), ynf(), and ynl() functions are Stable. SEE ALSO
isnan(3M), feclearexcept(3M), fetestexcept(3M), j0(3M), math.h(3HEAD), matherr(3M), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 1 Nov 2003 y0(3M)
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