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inwchstr(3) [osf1 man page]

curs_inwchstr(3)					     Library Functions Manual						  curs_inwchstr(3)

curs_inwchstr, inwchstr, inwchnstr, winwchstr, winwchnstr, mvinwchstr, mvinwchnstr, mvwinwchstr, mvwinwchnstr - Get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a Curses window SYNOPSIS
#include <curses.h> int inwchstr( chtype *wchstr ); int inwchnstr( chtype *wchstr, int n ); int winwchstr( WINDOW *win, chtype *wchstr ); int winwchnstr( WINDOW *win, chtype *wchstr, int n ); int mvinwchstr( int y, int x, chtype *wchstr ); int mvinwchnstr( int y, int x, chtype *wchstr, int n ); int mvwinwchstr( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype *wchstr ); int mvwinwchnstr( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype *wchstr, int n ); LIBRARY
Curses Library (libcurses) DESCRIPTION
These routines return a string of type chtype, holding wchar_t characters, starting at the current or specified cursor position in the cur- rent or specified window and ending at the right margin of the window. The four functions with n as the last argument, return the string at most n wchar_t characters long. Constants defined in <curses.h> can be used with the & (logical AND) operator to extract the wchar_t character or the attribute alone from any position in chstr (see curs_inwch(3)). NOTES
The header file <curses.h> automatically includes the header file <stdio.h>. Note that all routines except winwchnstr may be macros. The routines described on this reference page are among the MNLS Curses functions that are not included in the X/Open Curses CAE specifica- tion. MNLS routines are supported only for backward compatibility reasons. Use the *in_wchstr and *in_wchnstr functions in new applications (see curs_in_wchstr(3)). RETURN VALUES
All routines return the integer ERR upon failure and an integer value other than ERR upon successful completion. SEE ALSO
Functions: curses(3), curs_in_wchstr, curs_inwch(3) curs_inwchstr(3)

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curs_inwchstr(3)					     Library Functions Manual						  curs_inwchstr(3)

curs_inwchstr, inwchstr, inwchnstr, winwchstr, winwchnstr, mvinwchstr, mvinwchnstr, mvwinwchstr, mvwinwchnstr - Get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a Curses window SYNOPSIS
#include <curses.h> int inwchstr( chtype *wchstr ); int inwchnstr( chtype *wchstr, int n ); int winwchstr( WINDOW *win, chtype *wchstr ); int winwchnstr( WINDOW *win, chtype *wchstr, int n ); int mvinwchstr( int y, int x, chtype *wchstr ); int mvinwchnstr( int y, int x, chtype *wchstr, int n ); int mvwinwchstr( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype *wchstr ); int mvwinwchnstr( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype *wchstr, int n ); LIBRARY
Curses Library (libcurses) DESCRIPTION
These routines return a string of type chtype, holding wchar_t characters, starting at the current or specified cursor position in the cur- rent or specified window and ending at the right margin of the window. The four functions with n as the last argument, return the string at most n wchar_t characters long. Constants defined in <curses.h> can be used with the & (logical AND) operator to extract the wchar_t character or the attribute alone from any position in chstr (see curs_inwch(3)). NOTES
The header file <curses.h> automatically includes the header file <stdio.h>. Note that all routines except winwchnstr may be macros. The routines described on this reference page are among the MNLS Curses functions that are not included in the X/Open Curses CAE specifica- tion. MNLS routines are supported only for backward compatibility reasons. Use the *in_wchstr and *in_wchnstr functions in new applications (see curs_in_wchstr(3)). RETURN VALUES
All routines return the integer ERR upon failure and an integer value other than ERR upon successful completion. SEE ALSO
Functions: curses(3), curs_in_wchstr, curs_inwch(3) curs_inwchstr(3)
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