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ilogb(3) [osf1 man page]

ilogb(3)						     Library Functions Manual							  ilogb(3)

ilogb - Returns an unbiased exponent LIBRARY
Math Library (libm.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> int ilogb (double x); int ilogbf (float x); int ilogbl (long double x); STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: ilogb(): XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The ilogb(), ilogbf(), and ilogbl() functions return the integral part of the base r logarithm of (|x|) as a signed integral value for non-zero x, where r is the radix of the machine's floating point arithmetic. The following table describes function behavior in response to exceptional arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Exceptional Argument Routine Behavior --------------------------------------------------------------------- ilogb(), ilogbf() ilogbl() |x| = infinity INT_MAX ilogb(), ilogbf() ilogbl() x = 0, NaN INT_MIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- delim off ilogb(3)

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ILOGB(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  ILOGB(3)

ilogb, ilogbf, ilogbl, logb, logbf, logbl -- extract exponent LIBRARY
Math Library (libm, -lm) SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> int ilogb(double x); int ilogbf(float x); int ilogbl(long double x); double logb(double x); float logbf(float x); long double logbl(long double x); DESCRIPTION
ilogb(), ilogbf() and ilogbl() return x's exponent in integer format. ilogb(+-infinity) returns INT_MAX, ilogb(+-NaN) returns FP_ILOGBNAN, and ilogb(0) returns FP_ILOGB0. logb(x), logbf(x), and logbl(x) return x's exponent in floating-point format with the same precision as x. logb(+-infinity) returns +infin- ity, and logb(0) returns -infinity with a division by zero exception. SEE ALSO
frexp(3), ieee(3), math(3), scalbn(3) STANDARDS
The ilogb(), ilogbf(), ilogbl(), logb(), logbf(), and logbl() routines conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). The latter three imple- ment the logb function recommended by IEEE Std 754-1985. HISTORY
Function First Appeared In logb() 4.3BSD ilogb() FreeBSD 1.1.5 ilogbf() FreeBSD 2.0 logbf() FreeBSD 2.0 ilogbl() FreeBSD 5.4 logbl() FreeBSD 8.0 BSD
December 16, 2007 BSD
Man Page