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getvfsbynumber(3) [osf1 man page]

getvfsbynumber(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 getvfsbynumber(3)

getvfsbynumber - Gets the virtual file system type name LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/mount.h> char *getvfsbynumber( int typeno); PARAMETERS
Specifies the number that identifies the type of the file system. DESCRIPTION
The getvfsbynumber() function returns the symbolic name for the virtual file system type identified by typeno. The type number of a mounted file system can be determined with the statfs() function. NOTES
The getvfsbynumber() function may not be able to handle file systems that are dynamically loaded. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, getvfsbynumber() returns a symbolic name. Otherwise, getvfsbynumber() returns a value of -1 and sets errno. ERRORS
If any of the following conditions occurs, the getvfsbynumber() function sets errno to the corresponding value: typeno is outside the range of known file system types. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: statfs(2), getvfsbyname(3). delim off getvfsbynumber(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

GETFSSTAT(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      GETFSSTAT(2)

getfsstat -- get list of all mounted file systems LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ucred.h> #include <sys/mount.h> int getfsstat(struct statfs *buf, long bufsize, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The getfsstat() system call returns information about all mounted file systems. The buf argument is a pointer to statfs structures, as described in statfs(2). Fields that are undefined for a particular file system are set to -1. The buffer is filled with an array of statfs structures, one for each mounted file system up to the byte count specified by bufsize. Note, the bufsize argument is the number of bytes that buf can hold, not the count of statfs structures it will hold. If buf is given as NULL, getfsstat() returns just the number of mounted file systems. Normally flags should be specified as MNT_WAIT. If flags is set to MNT_NOWAIT, getfsstat() will return the information it has available without requesting an update from each file system. Thus, some of the information will be out of date, but getfsstat() will not block wait- ing for information from a file system that is unable to respond. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the number of statfs structures is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The getfsstat() system call fails if one or more of the following are true: [EFAULT] The buf argument points to an invalid address. [EIO] An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system. SEE ALSO
statfs(2), fstab(5), mount(8) HISTORY
The getfsstat() system call first appeared in 4.4BSD. BSD
November 20, 2003 BSD
Man Page

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