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evmeventformatfromtemplate(3) [osf1 man page]

EvmEventFormat(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 EvmEventFormat(3)

EvmEventFormat, EvmEventFormatFromTemplate, EvmVarFormat - Format events for display LIBRARY
EVM Support Library (, libevm.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <evm/evm.h> EvmStatus_t EvmEventFormat( char *buffer, size_t length, EvmEvent_t event); EvmStatus_t EvmEventFormatFromTemplate( char *buffer, size_t length, EvmString_t show_template, EvmEvent_t event); EvmStatus_t EvmVarFormat( EvmEvent_t event, const char *var_name, char *buffer, size_t length, EvmBoolean_t trans- late); PARAMETERS
A pointer to a character string to receive the formatted event data. The stored string will be null-terminated, even if truncated, unless the length parameter is zero (0). The maximum length of the output string. If the formatted event is longer than length, the output is truncated. The event to be formatted. The primary template for formatting the output. The name of a variable data item contained in the event whose value is to be formatted. A Boolean value indicating whether I18N translation should be attempted on the variable value. Translation will be attempted if this parameter is EvmTRUE, the variable is of type string and includes an I18N message identifier, and the event contains I18N catalog information. DESCRIPTION
Information contained in an event must be formatted to present it in human-readable form. The event poster supplies formatting information through the event's format data item, and the routines described here provide the event formatting capability. The EvmEventFormat() routine combines the supplied event's format data item with any data items or variables specified in the event's for- mat item that are available in the event, and returns a formatted version of the event in buffer. If the event contains I18N message catalog information, and the catalog is available in the user's locale, the format string is retrieved from the message catalog if possible. If no translation is possible the format string contained in the event is used. If the event does not contain format information, a generic display of the event's name and any variables is produced. The EvmEventFormatFromTemplate() routine also formats the supplied event, but uses the supplied show_template string as its primary format- ting template. Literal characters in the show_template are transferred to the buffer unchanged. Any token of the form @item_name[%width] or @{item_name[%width]} is replaced by the value of the corresponding data item from the supplied event, if it is present. If width is supplied, the value occupies a minumum of width character positions. The item_name is the name of a standard event data item. The special string @@ is replaced by the results of applying EvmEventFormat() to the event. Refer to evmshow(1) and EvmEvent(5) for more information about formatting events for display. EvmVarFormat() retrieves a variable called var_name from the supplied event, and returns a formatted version of its value in buffer. I18N translation is applied as appropriate if the value of translate is EvmTRUE. NOTES
Floating point values are formatted using the printf(3) %.8g format specifier. RETURN VALUES
The operation was completed without error. One of the arguments to the function was invalid. A value in a structure member is invalid. An operation failed because an attempt to acquire heap memory failed. ERRORS
Commands: evmshow(1) Routines: EvmEventDump(3), printf(3), setlocale(3) Files: locale(4) Event Management: EVM(5) EVM Events: EvmEvent(5) Common Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide delim off EvmEventFormat(3)
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