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enter_quiet_zone(3) [osf1 man page]

enter_quiet_zone(3)					     Library Functions Manual					       enter_quiet_zone(3)

enter_quiet_zone, exit_quiet_zone - Prevent keyboard interruption of program actions (Enhanced Security) LIBRARY
Security Library - SYNOPSIS
#include <prot.h> void enter_quiet_zone(); #include <prot.h> void exit_quiet_zone(); DESCRIPTION
The function sets the appropriate signals to a state that prevents keyboard interruption of program actions. If this function is called multiple times without an intervening call, nothing is done. If an alarm has been set, the time left to go is saved. The function restores the signals to their previous state. Do not call this function from reentrant code because it uses a static area. A pending alarm clock is restored. The signals that are affected are SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGSYS, SIGALRM. RELATED INFORMATION
Security delim off enter_quiet_zone(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

sia_chdir(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      sia_chdir(3)

sia_chdir - Interface to the chdir system call - SIA (Security Integration Architecture) LIBRARY
Standard C library ( and libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <siad.h> int sia_chdir( const char * directory, time_t timelimit); PARAMETERS
directory The specified new working directory. The parameter must be an ASCII string. If it is a NULL, SIAFAIL is returned. timelimit The number of seconds to allow for the chdir call. If a 0 is specified, there is no timeout. If the value is less than 0, SIA_DEF_TIMEOUT is used. DESCRIPTION
The sia_chdir() routine implements a "NFS-safe" way to change the current working directory. This routine calls the chdir() system call which is protected by alarm() and signal-handling for SIGALRM, SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, and SIGTERM. Receipt of any of these signals causes the chdir() operation to fail. If the chdir call completes within the time limit given, the call succeeds. RETURN VALUES
The sia_chdir() routine returns SIASUCCESS or SIAFAIL. ERRORS
The errno value is not (normally) set explicitly by sia_* routines. The errno values are those returned from the dynamic loader interface, from dependent (siad_*) routines, or from malloc. Possible errors include resource constraints (no memory) and various authentication failures. FILES
/etc/passwd /etc/sia/matrix.conf RELATED INFORMATION
chdir(2) Security delim off sia_chdir(3)
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