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destroy_pset(3) [osf1 man page]

destroy_pset(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   destroy_pset(3)

destroy_pset - Destroys a processor set LIBRARY
Pset Library (libpset.a) Mach Library (libmach.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/processor.h> int destroy_pset( int pset_id, [1 | 0]); PARAMETERS
Specifies the identification number for the processor set that you want to destroy. The pset_id processor set identification number is returned by a successful create_pset() call. A second argument may be required if there are threads or processors assigned to the proces- sor set. A value of 1 will force the destruction of the pset. A value of 0 will not force destruction automatically but will first prompt the user. DESCRIPTION
The destroy_pset function destroys a processor set. A processor that belongs to a destroyed processor set is returned to the default pro- cessor set. You must have root privileges. EXAMPLES
The following is example code for pset_destroy.c using the destroy_pset call: retval = destroy_pset(pset_id, 0); if (retval == PROCESSOR_SET_ACTIVE) { printf ("processor set %d has active ", pset_id); printf ("processors/tasks/threads assigned to it.0); printf ("destroy anyway? (y/n): "); while ((char)c != 'y' && (char)c != 'n') c = getchar(); if ((char)c == 'y') { retval = destroy_pset(pset_id, 1); if (retval != KERN_SUCCESS) { print_pset_error(retval); RETURN VALUES
If the destroy_pset function succeeds, it returns a zero (0). If it fails, it returns a negative number. Use this number and the print_pset_error(3) function to print a message that describes the error. Processor set destruction is logged in the /var/adm/wtmp file. FILES
create_pset(3), assign_cpu_to_pset(3), assign_pid_to_pset(3), print_pset_error(3), processor_sets(4), pset_create(1) delim off destroy_pset(3)

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psrset(1M)																psrset(1M)

psrset - create and manage processor sets SYNOPSIS
pset_id processor_list pset_id pid_list [processor_list] pset_list pset_id command [argument_list] pset_id pgid [pset_list] pset_id [processor_list] [pid_list] processor_list pset_id pid_list pset_id pset_id uid Real Time Extensions Commands pset_id pset_id [processor_list] DESCRIPTION
The utility controls the management of processor sets. Processor sets allow a subset of processors in the system to be isolated for exclu- sive use by specified threads and processes. Processes may now be bound to groups of processors rather than just one. Each processor set represents a separate scheduling allocation domain. Schedulers in each processor set work independently; there is no load balancing per- formed across processor set boundary by the system. The default processor set(0) always exists and may not be destroyed. All processes and processors at system init time start out in the system default processor set. For this reason processor 0 may never be removed from the default group. (Hence this feature is of no value on a single processor system.) A processor belongs to exactly one processor set at a time, and it can be reassigned from one processor set to another processor set dynam- ically with appropriate privileges. There can exist processor sets with no processors. This may be temporary due to resource needs else- where in the system. (See pset_assign(2) for details). A process or a thread is bound to exactly one processor at a time, and their binding can be changed from one processor set to another with appropriate privileges. All threads of a process need not belong to the same processor set. (See pset_bind(2) for details). A processor set has access permissions, and only the users with appropriate permissions may perform operations on processor sets. A supe- ruser or a privilege user may perform any operation on processor sets. (See pset_create(2) and pset_setattr(2) for details). Options If no options are specified for the command, then the option is assumed (see below). The following options are supported: Assigns processor_list to pset_id. processor_list is the list of processors, and pset_id is the processor set identification num- ber. The processors are taken out of their current processor set and are reassigned to the specified processor set. Pro- cessor 0 may not be reassigned. If the processor being reassigned is the last processor in its current processor set, the behavior is defined by the attribute. See the option to define The possible attribute values for are as follows: Default behavior. Reassign the processor to the specified processor set, and return the active processes/threads in the processor set to the default set. Fail the request. Binds pid_list to pset_id. pid_list is the specified list of processes (including all their threads), and pset_id is the speci- fied processor set. Bindings are inherited, so newly created threads and processes will inherit their processor set binding from their parents. If the target processor (pset_id) has no processors assigned, the behavior is defined by the attribute. See the option to define The possible attribute values for are as follows: Default behavior. Fail the request. Creates a new processor set and displays the processor set identification number (pset_id) for the new processor set. If a list of processors (processor_list) are spec- ified on the command line, they are assigned to the newly created processor set. Destroys the specified list of processor sets (pset_list). When the option is specified, all the processor sets in the system are destroyed. When the processor set has processors assigned, or there are active processes/threads bound to the processor set, the behavior is defined by the value of the attribute. See the option to define The possible attribute values for are as follows: Default behavior. Return all processors and threads/processes in the processor set to the default set. Fail the request if processor set has any processor assigned, or has active processes or threads. Fail the request if there are active processes or threads bound to the processor set. Executes the specified command in the specified processor set (pset_id). The effect is the same as binding your shell to the target processor set, executing the command, and changing back to your original processor set. The command may have arguments listed in argu- ment_list. Forces the operation if the HP Process Resource Manager (HP PRM) is installed and configured. The processor sets can also be configured by PRM. HP Process Resource Manager is documented in the This option is applicable to all the configuration options to override the PRM. If the force flag is not used with configu- ration options in the presence of PRM, then exits with an error message. IMPORTANT: If used, the option must be specified before any other arguments are specified to the command. Binds all the processes (including all their threads) belonging to the process group (pgid) to the specified processor set (pset_id). This option is like explicitly listing all these pro- cesses with the option. Displays the processor assignments and attribute values for all processor sets specified in the list (pset_list) or for all sets by default. It will also list the Locality Domains that belong to the processor sets. If pset_list is not specified, then information for all processor sets are displayed. If no options are specified for the command, then the option is assumed. Enables external I/O interrupts for all processors assigned to the specified processor set (pset_id). Displays the processor set assignment for all processors specified in the list (processor_list) or for all processors by default. Displays the processor set binding for all processes specified in the list (pid_list) or for all processes by default. Removes the specified list of processors (processor_list) from their current processor set, and reassigns them back to the default set. This option is identical to Changes the attribute value of the specified attribute on the specified processor set (pset_id). Some values may not be be supported. The following attributes are supported: Change owner of the specified processor set. Change group id of the specified processor set. Change access permissions of the specified processor set. Define behavior on processor destroy request. See the option. Define behavior on request to bind a process or thread to an empty processor set. See the option. Define behavior on request to remove the last processor from a processor set. See option. Define the logical processor (LCPU) attribute in the target processor set. On a multi-threaded processor core, each hardware thread is represented as an LCPU. If LCPU is disabled, the processor cores in the target processor set behave as a single threaded core. However, when LCPU is enabled, the processor cores in the target pset have hardware multi-threading enabled. Unbinds pid_list, the specified list of processes (including all their threads), from their current processor set returning them to the default set. The option is identical to Disables external I/O interrupts for all processors assigned to the specified processor set (pset_id). Binds all the processes (including all their threads) owned by the user id (uid) to the specified processor set (pset_id). This option is like explicitly listing all these processes with option. Real Time Extensions Options The following options are related to Real Time Extensions (RTE) for processor sets: Lists all the processor sets that are configured as RTE processor set. Marks a processor set with the identification number, pset_id, as an RTE processor set. The processors that are part of the pset_id processor set become The default processor set which contains processor 0 may not be configured as an RTE processor set. The processor set may or may not have proces- sors assigned at this point. If has processors assigned to it at time of request, these processors are made unavailable to the kernel daemons. External I/O interrupts and pending callouts on processors in pset are reassigned to processors in non- RTE processor sets in the system. The processor set attribute values are changed to default values for an RTE processor set. The various failure conditions could be: o The configuring application does not have root privileges. o RTE is not enabled. o The pset_id is invalid. Un-marks the processor set with the identification number, pset_id, as an RTE processor set. The processor set is not destroyed. Creates a new RTE processor set and displays the processor set identification number (pset_id) for the new processor set. If a list of processors (processor_list) are spec- ified on the command line, they are assigned to the newly created processor set. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES
Environment Variables provides a default value for the internationalization variables that are unset or null. If is unset or null, the default value of is used (see lang(5)). If any of the internationalization variables contains an invalid setting, will behave as if all internationalization vari- ables are set to See environ(5). determines the locale that overrides any values for locale categories specified by the settings of or any environment variables beginning with determines the locale that affects the format and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error and the informative messages written to standard output. International Code Set Support Single-byte and multi-byte character code sets are supported. EXAMPLES
psrset Example Read and display the system processor set configurations for all processor sets. If no options are specified for the command, then the option is assumed. psrset -a Example Reassign processors 4 and 1 from their current processor sets to processor set 5: psrset -b Example Change the binding of a running process (pid=1000) to processor set 6: psrset -c Example Create a new processor set and assign processors 1, 2 and 4 to the new set: psrset -e Example Execute the command in processor set 4: psrset -t Examples Change behavior for processor set destroy operation to fail the request if there are active processes bound to the processor set: Change the ownership of processor set 3 to user id 100: For processor set 2, change access permissions to 666: RETURN VALUE
returns zero on successful completion. Otherwise, a non-zero value is returned and the message is displayed to indicate the error. AUTHOR
was developed by HP. SEE ALSO
pset_assign(2), pset_bind(2), pset_create(2), pset_ctl(2), pset_destroy(2), pset_getattr(2), pset_setattr(2). HP Process Resource Manager is documented in the psrset(1M)
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