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clu_is_member(3) [osf1 man page]

clu_is_member(3)					     Library Functions Manual						  clu_is_member(3)

clu_is_member, clu_is_ready - Determine whether the local system is currently a cluster member or has been configured to be a cluster mem- ber LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/clu.h> boolean_t clu_is_member (); boolean_t clu_is_ready (); DESCRIPTION
The clu_is_member function determines whether the local system is currently a cluster member (that is, the TruCluster Server software has been installed and configured, the system has booted a clusterized kernel, and the connection manager has allowed the system to join the cluster membership). The clu_is_ready function determines whether the local system has been configured to run in a cluster (that is, the TruCluster Server soft- ware has been installed and configured, and the system has booted a clusterized kernel). The clu_is_ready function is most useful to code that runs in the boot path before the connection manager establishes the cluster membership. RETURN VALUES
Upon completion, the clu_is_member function returns TRUE if the local system is currently a cluster member, FALSE otherwise. Upon completion, the clu_is_ready function returns TRUE if the local system has booted from a clusterized kernel, FALSE otherwise. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: versw(3), clu_get_info(3) Commands: versw(8) delim off clu_is_member(3)

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clu_is_member(3)					     Library Functions Manual						  clu_is_member(3)

clu_is_member, clu_is_ready - Determine whether the local system is currently a cluster member or has been configured to be a cluster mem- ber LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/clu.h> boolean_t clu_is_member (); boolean_t clu_is_ready (); DESCRIPTION
The clu_is_member function determines whether the local system is currently a cluster member (that is, the TruCluster Server software has been installed and configured, the system has booted a clusterized kernel, and the connection manager has allowed the system to join the cluster membership). The clu_is_ready function determines whether the local system has been configured to run in a cluster (that is, the TruCluster Server soft- ware has been installed and configured, and the system has booted a clusterized kernel). The clu_is_ready function is most useful to code that runs in the boot path before the connection manager establishes the cluster membership. RETURN VALUES
Upon completion, the clu_is_member function returns TRUE if the local system is currently a cluster member, FALSE otherwise. Upon completion, the clu_is_ready function returns TRUE if the local system has booted from a clusterized kernel, FALSE otherwise. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: versw(3), clu_get_info(3) Commands: versw(8) delim off clu_is_member(3)
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