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class_enable(3) [osf1 man page]

class_enable(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   class_enable(3)

class_enable - Enable class scheduling. LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libclass.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <apar_types.h> #include <sys/class.h> class_enable(class_apar_handle_t handle); PARAMETERS
The partition descriptor returned by class_open(). DESCRIPTION
Enables class scheduling (if not already enabled). Note that the calling process must have root access privileges. RETURN VALUES
The operation successfully completed. The database was already enabled. An invalid partition handle was specified. The class scheduler daemon failed to start. SEE ALSO
Functions:class_add(3), class_init(3), class_create(3), class_close(3), class_change(3), class_configure(3), class_get_config_stats(3), class_delete(3), class_destroy(3), class_disable(3), class_save_database(3), class_restore_database(3), class_load_database(3), class_change_name(3), class_database_file_exists(3), class_database_name(3), class_database_modified(3), class_get_classes(3), class_get_class_members(3), Commands:class_admin(8), runclass(1), class_scheduling(4) Other: The System Administration guide. delim off class_enable(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

class_configure(3)					     Library Functions Manual						class_configure(3)

class_configure - Set or change class database configuration parameters. LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libclass.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <apar_types.h> #include <sys/class.h> class_configure (class_apar_handle_t handle, int explicit_answer, int enforce_answer, int seconds, int force); PARAMETERS
The partition descriptor returned by class_open(). Refer to the class_admin(8) reference page, for information on the configure subcom- mand. Valid input values are:ANSWER_YES, ANSWER_NO, and ANSWER_UNCHANGED. (See also <sys/class.h>.) Refer to the class_admin(8) reference page, for information on theconfigure subcommand. Valid input values are: ANSWER_YES, ANSWER_NO, and ANSWER_UNCHANGED(). (See also <sys/class.h>.) The class daemon wakeup interval. DESCRIPTION
Set or change the class scheduler database configuration parameters. If no database exists, one will be created. No (NULL) inputs for all parameters will create a database with the default values. If you input values for explicit_answer and enforce_answer that do not match any of the valid ANSWER_xxx values, the values are treated as ANSWER_UNCHANGED by default. Note that the calling process must have root access privileges. RETURN VALUES
Operation successfully completed. An invalid partition handle was specified. SEE ALSO
Functions:class_add(3), class_init(3), class_create(3), class_close(3), class_change(3), class_get_config_stats(3), class_close(3), class_delete(3), class_destroy(3), class_disable(3), class_enable(3), class_save_database(3), class_restore_database(3), class_load_data- base(3), class_change_name(3), class_database_file_exists(3), class_database_name(3), class_database_modified(3), class_get_classes(3), class_get_class_members(3), Commands:class_admin(8), runclass(1), class_scheduling(4) Other: The System Administration guide. delim off class_configure(3)
Man Page

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